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Sarcoidosis - Stage IV

Pathophysiology:  See Sarcoidosis Stage I


A progression of the lung disease resulting in predominantly fibrosis, marked lung architectural distortion, air trapping and cystic or bullous changes.  A form of end stage lung.


CXR/CT Findings:


1.      Marked upper lung fibrosis, distortion

2.      Hilar traction, regional volume loss

3.      Larger cystic or bullous changes


“Aunt Sophies”: a gamut of causes of an end stage fibrotic lung with upper lung predominance:


  1. Post-infectious granulomatous infections: tuberculosis, fungal infections, legionella

  2. End stage eosinophilic lung disease rarely

  3. COLD with bronchiectasis with post inflammatory fibrosis and distortion

  4. Radiation pneumonitis if portal involved upper lungs, rarely

  5. Silicosis with PMF, sometimes with superimposed infections and scarring (TB)

  6. Immuno-compromised hosts eg. HIV: post-PCP and other infections

  7. Virtually any other cause of end stage fibrotic lung


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