Christian Resources



Travel/Road Trips
Christian Resources
Medical Resources




















































PS: The picture on the right is an artist's rendition of the church on the Santorini Island, Greece.

Online Resources






Bible Gateway

  • A good place to look up Bible passages in different languages and translations.


Bible Commentaries @ Worship Together



  • Kinda odd, a for-profit religious corp. dedicated to build up the church.  There are Bible studies tools and daily devotionals.


Barnes and Noble Free Internet Courses


Our Daily Bread

  • Daily devotional.


Music (Sheet Music, MP3, etc)


Praise Song Lyrics

Praise Charts

Worship Together

Wow Worship


Willow Creek

Audible Faith


Songs I like:

He Knows My Name (I Have a Maker)









C.S. Lewis

Mere Christianity - Classic.  Lewis' take on the Christian faith.

Surprised by Joy.

The Four Loves.


The Chronicles of Narnia - popular children's books.


Rick Warren

The Purpose Driven Life


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This page was last updated on 09/03/05.