Here are my links:

Check out my Brother and Sister-in-law's website/blog, check out their photos, I show up occassionally:
The Olley Family News

The Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, where I pursued my graduate studies at University of Toronto:

My doctoral research was on the application of computers to physics in the work of Columbia astronomer Wallace J. Eckert. A good introduction to his career and many other aspects of computer history can be found on Columbia's website:
Computing at Columbia Timeline

I have taken up choral singing around 2005. Hopefully this has improved by singing, since I have a propensity to burst into song (and an enjoyment of Karaoke):
Hart House Singers

Back at Brock University in St. Catharines Ontario I studied both Physics and Great Books (renamed Liberal Arts and now defunct), so here is a link to the Physics department (I used to link to the defunct physics club but that site is now defunct and likewise there is no longer a site for Great Books):
Brock Physics

My Old High School:
T. A. Blakelock

The webpage of a group of fans of the Ultima series of computer game, and a group of which I am proud to be a member:
Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter

Check out the website of a group dedicated to the extinction of mankind. Not quite the maniacs of the comic books though. Interesting and challenging in my opinion though hardly convincing.
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

Find out what it is really like to be a PhD student (we have it really rough ;) with this comic strip look at Grad life:

Inspired by the popular culture of Japan, set in Japan and written by an American check out Megatokyo a quirky, funny continueing comic story:

Fourth Wall breaking madness, and comic fun about computer gaming and other subjects at PVP. A daily comic strip.
Player versus Player

It is said that truth is stranger than fiction. Which may explain why Real Life is so funny. Another daily comic strip.
Real Life

Over the years I have made friends with various people who self publish comics and some of the best people I met are Andrew and Rosanne at Akui: ill-intent, Lucian Fallen is there flagship production, now a webcomic:
Lucian Fallen

The Website of my favorite role-playing game company, sadly I no longer have time to play:
Palladium Books

While not my favorite company they always have interesting links on their daily updates. The guys who brought you OGRE, GURPS and Toon.
Steve Jackson Games

I have always been a bit of casual comic book reader and the Internet is great way to learn more about comics on the cheap. Here is an example. They bill themselves as the only comics sight you have to visit. In the past I enjoyed many of their articles, special features and message boards.
Comic Book Resources

Some call him the smartest man in comics. I certainly found his work Understanding Comics interesting. Scott McCloud also created Zot! and is a booster of Online comics.
Scott McCloud's Webpage

Trying to apply real world law to comic books might sound silly and boring, but one man has made it funny and informative. Check out the Law is a Ass at World Famous comics.
The Law is a Ass

Nitpicker's Central an extension of my favorite series of books (sadly defunct):
Nitpicker's Central (a remnant)

Recently I've gotten interested in Doonesbury the university life turned every facet of life strip and have been slowly working my way through 40+ years of strips:

Recently I've been getting into the world of independent video reviewers one of my favourites is Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall who reviews comic books.
Atop the Fourth Wall

Here is the webpage of a society I gave a talk for back in 2006, the Scientific Instrument Commission of the International Union of the History and Philsophy of Science:

I belong to several academic societies:
The Society for the History of Technology a natural fit because of all my work involving the history of computers and other machine computation:
The History of Science Society another natural place in this case focusing on my interest in the developments of science and mathematics:
The Philosophy of Science Association a society whose interests are perhaps tangential to my own, but I am more philosophical than a great many historians:
The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, a somewhat smaller organization but all the more friendly and lively:
The Archealogical Institute of America, my membership of this group is a bit of a historical accident. It happened that while I was at Brock I made lots of friends in the Classics department and studied ancient greek with my spare classes. One of the regular events for the department was the AIA lecture series. I still occassionally go back to see the talks there and I still register myself as a member of the society there to help there numbers. Ironically the Toronto section often has lectures in the rooms below my office at UofT, but I rarely go:


Reach me at

Last Updated November 17th, 2022.