- Economic Policy, Obesity and Health: A Scoping Review
With Faulkner G, Nguyen VH, Ferrence R, Mendelson R, Donnelly P, Arbour-Nicitopoulos K.; July 2010
(download article in PDF format)
- An economic analysis of the impact of reductions in generic drug rebates on community pharmacy in Canada
With Marie Rocchi, Harold Segal; Research Assistants: Chakshu Gupta, MS Shim; November 21, 2008
(download article in PDF format)
- Effects of ‘authorized generics’ on Canadian drug prices. SEDAP Research Paper No. 201. Also appears in: Marcel Boyer, Michael Trebilcock and David Vaver, eds. Competition Policy and Intellectual Property. Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2009.
- The Impact of Reference Pricing of Cardiovascular Drugs on Health Care Costs and Health Outcomes. Vol I: Summary.
With L Dolovich, A Holbrook, A Levy, B O'Brien; Revised October 4, 2001
(download article in PDF format)
- The Impact of Reference Pricing of Cardiovascular Drugs on Health Care Costs and Health Outcomes.Vol II: Technical Report.
With L Dolovich, A Holbrook, A Levy, B O'Brien; Revised October 4, 2001
(download article in PDF format)
- The Impact of Reference Pricing of Cardiovascular Drugs on Health Care Costs and Health Outcomes.Vol III: ACECCB Literature Review.
With L Dolovich, A Holbrook, A Levy, B O'Brien; Revised October 4, 2001
(download article in PDF format)