This page is for random things I've done or created that I find worth sharing.


Desmos is an awesome free graphing software that enables graphs to be animated through 'variable sliders'. Below is a collection of my favourite animated graphs that I've created using Desmos. I recommend that you pause the time slider on each graph after you're done looking, to prevent the webpage from slowing down.

Mass on a Spring

Press the play button on the time variable to set this graph into motion. This Desmos graph plots an oscillating mass on a spring. The spring constant k, equilibrium length Leq, and oscillation amplitude A can be modified, all of which will be reflected in the appearance of the spring and in the simulation physics (you can also change the number of turns n in the spring which is, albeit unrealistically, purely aesthetic). The mass m can be changed too, with the change accurately represented visually as well.

Velocity on a Curve

Press the play button on the time variable to set this graph into motion. This Desmos graph plots the curve parametrized by two component functions X and Y, which you can modify to parametrize a different curve! The arrow stemming from the curve's endpoint shows you the direction and speed with which the curve extends at any given moment (dependent entirely on the chosen parametrization). This information cannot be ascertained by looking only at the end result of plotting a given parametrization.


Press the play button on the time variable to set this graph into motion. This is a simple Desmos graph visualizing rain. As usual, move sliders around to change aspects of the simulation! (Try finding out how to make the rain go backwards into the sky - you may need to change the range of a certain slider.)


This section is for (in my opinion) the coolest images I've captured during vacations. Under construction!