Kentucky Warbler Coenonympha tullia Calopteryx aequabilis Grey Tree-frog star-nosed mole


Below are some of my favourite websites:






Contact me


Ontario field Ornithologists - premiere site for Ontario bird watchers

Surfbirds - best site for global birding news

Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists - my local field naturalists club

Treeview - great software for drawing phylogentic trees

Genbank - depository for genetic codes

me with a dead Sharp-tailed Grouse, Kapuskasing ON. August 2007

Mailing address:

Faculty of Forestry
University of Toronto
Earth Sciences Centre
33 Willcocks St.
Toronto, ON
M5S 3B3

Guelph/Cambridge/KW birding - message board for wildlife sightings around local area

Natural heritage information centre - great source of information on rare plants, animals, and ecosystems of Ontario

Ontario Odonata atlas - range maps and rankings of ontario's odonata


Entomological society of Ontario -

Hosts - hostplant database of lepidoptera of the world

Moths of Canada - online resource showing photos of specimens of most of the the macro moths of Canada


Ontario breeding bird atlas - Newest version of atlas coming to print in February 2008!

Bird Studies Canada - Great resource to ornithological research in Canada. I especially like the Long Point sightings board

SORA (searchable ornithological research archive) - Free online access to North America's biggest ornithology journals from late 1800s to a few years ago.

American ornithologists union - the "keepers of the list" the aou publishes the official taxonomy of North American birds, as well as the Auk, my favourite ornithology journal

American birding association - Has a birding catalogue and a great monthly quiz.

Jean Iron's webpage - a great birder who does alot of digiscoping of birds.

Bug - a great online resource for identifying insects.


Last updated January 17, 2008

All content © Mike Burrell