A Jacobite Gazetteer - Bavaria

Wildenwart - Schloss Wildenwart

The village of Wildenwart is located about 80 kilometres south-east of Munich on the road between the towns of Frasdorf and Prien.

In 1862 King Francis I purchased Schloss Wildenwart from the Gewerkschaft Hammerau-Achtal. 1 King Francis and Queen Adelgunda spent many summer vacations here. 2 Formerly Francis' coat-of-arms as Duke of Modena were placed above the entrance portal of the castle; these were removed in the most recent renovation. 3

At his death in 1875, King Francis granted in his will a life interest to his widow Queen Adelgunda to reside in the castle. She continued to spend her summers at the castle until her death in 1914. 4 In his will dated April 22, 1873, Francis left the castle to the Infante Alfonso of Spain (younger son of his younger sister, Princess Marie Beatrix, wife of the Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain). But in a codicl to the will dated January 1, 1875, Francis left the castle to his niece Mary Theresa (later Queen Mary IV and III) on condition that she pay the sum of 80,000 guilders to her cousin the Infante Alfonso. In 1876 Queen Mary and the Infante Alfonso agreed to reduce this amount to 20,000 guilders. 5

Late on the evening of November 7, 1918, Queen Mary and King Ludwig fled from the Bolsheviks in Munich, arriving at Schloss Wildenwart in the early hours of the next day; they left here the same day and moved on to Hintersee near Berchtesgaden. They returned to Schloss Wildenwart on November 18, 1918. Queen Mary remained here for the next two and a half months until her death in February 1919. Her remains were placed in the castle chapel until they were moved to the Liebfrauendom in Munich in 1921. Princess Gundelinde married here in 1919.

In her will Queen Mary had granted a life interest to her husband King Ludwig to reside in the castle. This was his chief residence for the last two years of his life. The castle was set aside as an inheritance for several of Queen Mary's younger children, Prince Karl (died 1927), and his unmarried sisters Princess Hildegard, Princess Wiltrud (who lost her rights when she married in 1924), and Princess Helmtrud. 6

In 1923 the Bavarian State Government recognised the private ownership of the castle by the House of Wittelsbach. For many years Princess Hildegard and Princess Helmtrud lived here. Princess Hildegard had a foxterrier kennel at the castle. 7 Princess Hildegard died here in 1948 and Princess Helmtrud in 1977.

Today Schloss Wildenwart is the country residence of Prince Max and his family.

Telephone: 08051.4056.

Schloss Wildenwart

Queen Adelgunda at Schloss Wildenwart
Queen Adelgunda at Schloss Wildenwart, 1908


1 Arthur Achleitner, Von der Umsturznacht bis zur Totenbahre: Die letzte Leidenszeit König Ludwigs III (Dillingen a. D.-München: Veduka, 1922), 180.

2 Teodoro Bayard de Volo, Vita di Francesco V, Duca di Modena, 1819-1875 (Roma: Spithover, 1878), III, 540-542, 546, 549, 558, 563, 603.

3 The coat-of-arms is now in poor condition and is in storage at the castle.

4 Achleitner, 180. Alfons Beckenbauer, Ludwig III von Bayern, 1845-1921: Ein König auf der Suche nach seinem Volk (Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1987), 282.

5 Max Oppel, Ludwig III, König von Bayern: Skizzen aus seiner Lebensgescichte (Prien: Verkehrsverband Chiemsee, 1995), 130.

6 Achleitner, 181; Oppel, 133.

7 Oppel, 139.

Image 1 (Facade): "Schlosswirtschaft Wildenwart", http://www.kulinarischer-herbst.de/2002/wildenwart.

Image 2 (Queen Adelgunda at Schloss Wildenwart, 1908): Hella Prinzessin von Bayern and Eugen Prinz von Bayern, Die Wittelsbacher und ihre Hunde (München: Hugendubel, 1995), 122. At the left of the photograph is Prince Karl, second son of Queen Mary IV and III.

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated July 23, 2007.
© Noel S. McFerran 2000-2007.