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Prof. Jaroslav Skira

Brief Syllabus - course not currently offered.


NEW: The on-line Bulletin Board is now open [link inactive].


The course will deal with history of triadology, christology and pneumatology in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Areas will include apophatic and cataphatic theology; economic and immanent Trinity; creation; ecumenical councils; liturgy and sacraments. Reference will be made to the theological approaches of various Orthodox and Roman Catholic authors.


To situate these doctrines in an ecumenical setting, showing the diverse yet complementary theological approaches of East and West; to expose students to critical thinking about biblical exegesis, history of doctrines and their own theological traditions; to point to how Trinitarian theology is related to other areas of Christian doctrine (eg. ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology). 


Brief Course Outline:

1. Introduction
- method; definitions: apophatic-cataphatic; economic-immanent Trinity, koinonia, revelation & Scriptures.
- pastoral approaches to preaching the Trinity.
- Platonic philosophy (cf. Timaeus).


2. God in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament
- names of God; development of monotheism; creation; spirit (ruah) and word; corporate person.


3. Jesus Christ in the New Testament (1) 
- the christology of Jesus: "Who did Jesus say he was?"

4. Jesus Christ in the New Testament (2) 
- The christology of the New Testament authors: "Who did they say he was?"

5. Apostolic Fathers & Apologists (II-IIIrd centuries)
- Clem. Rome, Ig. Ant., Justin, Hipp., Tert., Clem. Alex., Origen.


6. Cappadocians & the Councils (III-IVth centuries) [Constantinople, 381-Chalcedon, 431]


7. The Chalcedonian Achievement; & Liturgy
- Cyril, Leo, Nestorius, Eutyches, & the Councils (Vth century) [Ephesus, 431; Chalcedon, 431]; Liturgical Roots of Trinitarian Theology 
- liturgical cycles; doxology; sacraments; iconography.


8. Monothelitism, Iconoclasm & the Filioque
Maximus Confessor [Constantinople III, 680], Iconoclasm and the Filioque
- monothelitism; patristic synthesis: modes of being and hypostasis.


9. Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Thomas Aquinas & Gregory Palamas
- relation with Augustine, Tertullian; substance; beatific vision; use of the Fathers.


10. Modern Theology
- Georges Florovsky & John Zizioulas 
- Trinity, church and time; current trends in Eastern triadology.


11. Modern Theology 
- Karl Rahner & Jurgen Moltmann


12. Modern Theology
- Elizabeth Johnson, Elisabeth Schussler-Fiorenza; feminist and liberation perspectives on God.


13. Counculsion - Modern Theology 



jerry.skira@utoronto.ca |