Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto  
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Born and grown up at Tokyo, Japan, where cherry blossom and zelkoba (elm family) are most common.

Move to the USA in 2004 after graduating high school

Then live in Canada since summer 2008 for the master program.

I'm interested in anything fun; such as ANIMALS(especially intelligent and playful ones), archery, scuba diving, traveling, snorkeling, skiing, kayaking, singing, playing the electronic organ, etc...

I've never worked in the field of forestry, but for the short-term I worked in various places such as department-store, post office, and piano accompaniment. Now I'm working as international trade manager at ARCHERY-SHOP.JP (by Yamaboshi Products Co., Ltd.).



Animal care; 10-yr volunteer at dog shelter - Cleaning cages, walking with dogs, feeding, joining fundrising events, visiting nursing homes with dogs. And internship at wildlife rehab center - feeding, cleaning, and training of orphaned animals (coyotes, raccoons, skunks, opossums, and squirrels). Playing with baby raccoons are too much fun!!

Electronic organ (17 yrs, Yamaha electronic organ is called Electone); Took lessons for 12 years and still playing for fun. The biggest advantage of Electone is that I can play anything; from classic, jazz, to pops, movie soundtrucks, and game songs.

Archery (8 yrs); Began at high school, joining all-japan high-school championship. When going back to Japan, did a coach at my high school. Now a member of Hart House Archery Club to shoot a few times a week and will get a new bow by the end of February!! Working (helping) for archery shop is just of my interest.

Skiing (12yrs); Japan has nice snowy mountains very close to Tokyo. Now want to go the Rocky for skiing.

Singing; Loving karaoke (much cheaper and more songs in japan), joining chorus in middle and high school, took a choir class at undergraduate, then now a member of Hart House Singer Club.

Scuba Diving (1.5yr); took a licence in march 2007 in Australia, and couple dive experiences in Australia (Byron Bay, Great Barrier Reef), and Japan (Okinawa). Sea turtles, sharks, Nimo, cattle fish, lion fish... underwater is so cool!

And Traveling; mostly with my family but a few by myself or with friends. 16 visited countries (Canada, USA, Eastern & Southeastern Asia, Australia, Europe). Love to visit natural history museums and zoos; each country or region has unique style of exhibitions. Want to go Africa sometime!


2008 University of Toronto: ON, Canada

M.Sc.F. Candidate; Faculty of Forestry


2004 - 2008 University of Nebraska at Lincoln: NE, USA

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies; Emphasis on Natural Resources


2007 Southern Cross University: NSW, Australia

Study Abroad: Forest Land Use and Management

Internship & Volunteer Experiences

2006 summer Critter Care Wildlife Society: BC, Canada

1995 - 2004 Save Animals Love Animals Rescue Network(English version): Tokyo, Japan