- Create a directory/folder to hold your category-specific stories.
- In the folder/directory which contains the category you want to add stories to, create a new directory called "Stories". This will hold all your category-specific stories and the index of your stories.
- Revise your templates
- If you are using a special template for each category, don't forget to modify the 'template.txt' file. This is the template Radio uses to render your stories.
- Troubleshooting
- Radio won't render anything which is directly in the 'Stories' folder. To have your category specific stories (i.e. the .txt files) rendered and upstreamed you must palce them in a subfolder of '/stories/' -- for example: '/stories/2002/';
- Your story will not be rendered and upstreamed untill the file changes. Since 'category stories' cannot be created through the browser interface, or 'reposted', or 'republished' easily through the browser interface you must resort to this ugle hack: (a) open the text in an editor, (b) change it and save it; (c) close it. On the macOS at least, even though it was changed and saved, the file won't be rendered and upstreamed untill it is closed.
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How to set up category stories.
Unfortunately, Radio won't let you associate stories with each of your categories through the browser
interface; you can only associate stories with the main weblog. For those who
use the category feature to stream different sites to different servers, this can be very
irritating. Happily, Mark Woods as figured out how to make 'category stories' i.e. stories
for each category.
Here's what you need to do: