Saturday, May 25, 2002 |
The first part of the Radio Guide for UofT is almost complete. The Guide presents a basic introudction to what Radio is, why you might want to use it to publish your personal site on UTORweb, and how to set it up and get it going. Is something missing? Use the email link at the bottom of the side bar (or each page) to let me know.
11:02:10 PM
I've just renamed this site "Radio@UofT" for easier use.
10:54:43 PM
Sunday, May 5, 2002 |
Work on the 'tips and how-to' sections has resumed after a brief intermission (during which I used Radio's 'Category' feature to set up a separate weblog of my own). Over the next few months I'm hoping to build this site into a (modest) one-stop resource for those wishing to use Radio Userland to publish their website to UTORweb. Just watch this space for news.
4:56:34 PM
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 |
I've begun to post a series of tips and how-to's for using Radio with the UofT personal web server. They'e being developed as stories and posted here. Stories are a great Radio feature. It lets you use the simple Radio interface to write much longer articles, outside of the 'daily news' structure.
12:54:47 AM
Friday, March 1, 2002 |
Had a few very irritating problems with Radio not using images on the default template because I had specified the directory path incorrectly. Ooops. Don't let this happen to you. Instead, check my handy setup guide.
2:38:19 AM
Here's my first post from Radio Userland. As far as I know, its the first Radio post ever to the UofT personal web server. Yay.
1:43:09 AM
© Copyright 2004 Kevin Dancy.