Using Radio Userland to publish your site at UofT.

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Set Up - Step Two: Configure Radio to publish your website to UTORweb.

1. The Basic Idea: In Radio lingo, the process by which Radio takes your content (stories, posts, photos, etc.) and combines it with a template to make a finished webpage is called 'rendering'. The process by which Radio then transfers your fully-rendered web pages from your home computer to your UTORweb account (or anywhere else) is called 'upstreaming'. (But you can also call it 'publishing'). Because everything which is stored in your UTORweb directory is put there using FTP (file transfer protocal), the first thing we need to do is configure Radio to enable 'upstreaming' from your home computer, to your UTORweb account, via FTP.

2. Go to the 'Prefs' page. Click on 'Upstreaming'. On the 'Upstreaming' page, check the box to enable upstreaming. Hit the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page to post (or activate) the changes to your Radio Preferences. Remember to hit the 'Submit Button' every time you make a change to your Radio Preferences in order to activate your changes. (Its easy to forget, but very annoying when you do).

3. Return to the 'Prefs' menu and click on the 'FTP Option' link. On the 'FTP Option' page, check the box to enable 'Upstream files through FTP'.

4. On the same page, where it says "Username" enter your UTORweb username. Where it says "Password" enter your UTORweb password. Where it says "Repeat Password" enter your UTORweb password again.

5. Where it says "Server" enter: "" (without the quotes). This is the address for the computer which hosts all UTORweb web pages.

6. Where it says "Path" enter "/subdirectory name/" (without the quotes) where 'subdirectory name' is the name of the subdirectory or folder in your UTORweb root directory, within which you will keep your Radio website files. For example, I placed all the files for the website you are now reading in a directory called 'radio', within my root directory. Therefore my path is "/radio/" (no quotes). Remember, you must create this directory on UTORweb before Radio can use it.

7. For "Directory Path" enter the full directory path (also known as the address, or url) which someone would type into their web browser window in order to go to your page. (But don't include the file name for the home page file). On UTORweb, your "Directory Path" will have the form "" (no quotes) where 'directoryname' is the name you chose for your web directory when you established your UTORweb account (this is also called your root directory), and 'subdirectoryname' is the name of the subdirectory or folder within your UTORweb root directory were you want to keep your Radio website files. For example, my UTORweb directory is called 'kevindancy', and I keep all the files for this website in a subdirectory called 'radio'. Therefore my 'Directory Path' is: "".

8. Check the box to enable 'passive mode' for ftp transfer. For some reason, ennabling passive mode is helpful when using a desktop firewall.

9. Hit the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page to post (or activate) all these changes to your Radio Preferences.

10. Now you're ready to start publishing your website.

© Copyright 2003 Kevin Dancy. Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.
Last update: 5/29/03; 3:23:38 AM.