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I am available to present lectures and workshops on topics related to pollination ecosystem services and pollinator biology, and specifically, the ecology and conservation of native bees and honey bees. Past audiences have included the lay public, school children from kindergarten through grade 12, professional environmental consultants, California State Parks docents, and naturalist societies. Please contact me if you would like me to give a presentation to your group!


During my time as a PhD student, I partnered with local school teachers to design a hands-on pollinator biology module, which was implemented in the curriculum of students from grade 2 through grade 11. Please contact me if you would like me to partner with you to bring hands-on biology to your classroom!


Also during my time as a PhD student, I authored a photographic blog that explored the natural history and diversity of bee species I photographed in San Diego. Even though I am no longer in San Diego, I have plans to continue updating this blog from the backlog of photos I've taken, as well as from partnering naturalists who continue to photograph bees in San Diego.

In 2017, I participated in an episode of A Growing Passion, a show about native and horticultural plants in California (see embedded video below). I would welcome more opportunities to discuss pollinator biology and conservation in popular media!

Dr. Keng-Lou James Hung
Address: 111 East Chesapeake St., Norman, OK 73019, USA