INF2040 Project Management

Fall 2016
Instructor: Professor Kelly Lyons

TA: Guang Ying Mo

Sections: 101 and 102


Section 101: Tuesday 9:00am to noon (BL313)

Section 102: Wednesday 6:30pm to 9:30pm (BL507)


This course covers an introduction to the theory and practice of project management.  Students will bring past experience in project situations together with insights from the course textbook and complementary readings to develop new understandings and knowledge that will help prepare them to participate in, contribute to, lead and succeed in future project opportunities.

Course Objectives and Student Learning Objectives


Course Structure

Deliverables & Evaluation

Readings & Resources

Weekly Schedule

General Expectations


Course Objectives:

This course is intended to help prepare students for successful careers in the information professions where much of the work is organized through projects conducted by a designated project team. The course is designed to help students understand the terminology used in and theories behind project management and to help them function successfully in project environments.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

·       Apply project management principles and practices (including specific techniques) in a variety project contexts (demonstrated in all of the assignments)

·       Describe the role and importance of project management in an organization and identify projects that support organizational goals and strategy (demonstrated through in-class activities and assignment 2)

·       Determine and describe their own personal goals, motivations, and ways of working individually and within teams (demonstrated in assignment 1)

·       Explain and interpret the social dynamics of teamwork and how people work individually and in teams (demonstrated in assignment 3 and through in-class activities)

·       Apply and describe the management and communication techniques and skills that lead to successful project outcomes (demonstrated in assignment 3 and through in-class activities)

·       Determine when and under which circumstances to apply specific project management techniques (demonstrated in assignment 4)

·       Identify the role of time, cost and quality management in successful projects and determine trade-offs (demonstrated in assignment 4 and through in-class activities)

·       Explain the role of communication in project management and demonstrate effective communication both orally and in writing (demonstrated in all of the assignments and through in-class activities)

·       Put into practice effectively working on a project team and as a project manager (demonstrated in assignment 4 and through in-class activities)

Relationship of INF2040 Course Learning Outcomes to Master of Information and Master of Museum Studies Program-Level Learning Outcomes:

Master of Information Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes can be found here.
Master of Museum Studies Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes can be found here.

Project management is becoming a fundamental practice across information disciplines and this course will help students understand and be conversant in the practice of project management (MI Program Outcome 1 and MMSt Program Outcome 1).   The knowledge and values imparted in INF2040 are appropriate to students' future exercise of leadership and the provision of information services for all (MI Program Outcome 2).   In INF2040, students will determine and describe their own personal goals and articulate ways they hope to attain their goals.  In doing so, they will learn how to continue in life-long intellectual growth beyond graduation (MI Program Outcome 6).

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Instructor: Professor Kelly Lyons

Phone: 416 946 3839


Office: BL 612

Office Hours:  3:00 to 5:00pm Tuesdays (except Sept. 27, Nov. 1 and Reading Week);  4:30 to 6:30 Wednesdays (except Sept. 21, Nov. 2 and Reading Week).


TA: Dr. Guang Ying Mo


Office: Semaphore Lab, 7th Floor, Robarts Library

Office Hours:  Before and after each assignment is due to be scheduled.



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Course Structure:

This course has three (3) contact class hours per week over 12 weeks. The class sessions will be a combination of lectures, discussions, teamwork, interactive exercises and in-class activities. Blackboard will be used as a learning management system to support project teams (groups), sharing of information, weekly slides, important dates, assignments, and other information about the course, as well as the facilitation of interaction among students on topics related to the course. Note that for every one (1) hour of contact, you can expect to do 2.5 hours of reading and preparation work on your own. Students should plan on attending and participating each week.  For Assignment 2, students will select their own groups.  For assignment 4 and in-class work starting in Week 5, students will be put into groups (of 3-4 people) within their class section such that the groups will work together on activities during the classes and will collaborate for part of assignment 4 together.

This is a professional masters program course and most students have some (if not, extensive) experience working on or leading projects.  As such, we will learn together, from one another, and relate the knowledge learned through the course to our past experiences and imagined future opportunities.   The instructor will provide an outline and structure for the course, present lectures, define assignments, and assign readings, but students will largely define the scope of their project assignments and will be asked to contribute and share relevant materials and readings as well. The interaction among students and their collaborative work is essential in making the course a success. Students are expected to use the experiences and knowledge they bring into the course to help define their learning objectives, identify and define projects, contribute to the course content, and complement their own learning experience and that of their classmates.   See also general expectations.

The first part of the course covers project management principles in general and students will establish individual goals and learning objectives and define a project in some detail.  The second section looks at the organizational, interpersonal and political aspects of project management such as being a leader, managing and working on project teams, understanding cultural issues and managing diverse stakeholders. Students will use what they learn in this part of the course to work in project teams for the third section of the course. The third and final section of the course focuses on tools and techniques available to support project management. Students will work in project teams to define, scope, and produce a project plan for a project.  Students will have an opportunity to experiment with different techniques and tools and share their experiences with one another, offering critiques and comparing tools that are designed to help project managers and teams plan, implement and successfully complete projects more effectively.

Throughout the course, students are expected to practise project management principles in every aspect of their coursework and interactions (see “Practicing Project Management Principles”).   Lecture topics will be augmented with in-class group-based activities and guest lectures.

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Deliverables and Evaluation:

Assignment 1

Self-Assessment and Setting Learning Objectives (Individual)

Online Response:

Start: Week 1; Due: Week 3 (September 27/28) before class (online test in Blackboard)


Assignment 2


Developing a Project Charter (Group)

Start: Week 1; Due: Week 5 (October 11/12) before class (submit via Blackboard)


Assignment 3

Case Study: Managing Teams, Leadership, and Effective Communication (Individual)

Case Analysis and Implementation Recommendations
Start: Week 6; Due: Reading Week Wed.,
November 9 by 11:59pm (submit via Blackboard)


Assignment 4

Report: Planning a Project and Project Management Tools (Group)

Start: Week 9; Due: Friday, December 9 by 5:00pm 
(submit via Blackboard)


Weekly Reading Engagements

Online weekly quiz to help prepare for class (Individual)

Week 2 through Week 11 (10 x 2)

Online test feature in Blackboard Due: Monday at midnight each week



Each of the course requirements will be completed using a slightly different format but all papers and reports must be prepared in the following way: double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font. You must include a cover page with report or paper title, your name, student number (for Assignment 2 and 4  you include all group member’s names and student numbers). Each page must contain only the title of your report, page number in the header or footer, and your name(s).

Reports follow a pre-specified outline (which will be supplied as part of the assignment details). They must be well-written, concise, and communicate the necessary information effectively.  Assignment 2 and 4 are submitted as reports.

Assignment 1 is an individual assignment which will be completed using the online test feature in Blackboard.  It is not a timed test and any and all material can be used while completing it.

Assignment 2 is a group assignment in which students will define a project and develop a project charter.  Students will select their own groups of size 3-4.

Assignment 3 is a paper that presents a case analysis and implementation recommendations that demonstrate students’ ability to apply management and leadership techniques to a particular project situation.

Assignment 4 is a group assignment in which students will plan a project using project management software.   The assignment will be submitted as a report.  In Week 5, students will be assigned groups and will choose a project that they will work on for Assignment 4.  The tools, techniques, and practices discussed throughout the course will be studied within the context of this assigned project and within the student’s assigned group. Students will not implement the project but will go through the process of planning, scoping, scheduling, estimating costs for, and allocating resources to the project.

Reading Engagements: Every week between week 2 and week 11 (inclusive), students will complete a short online test that evaluates their understanding of the readings.  These are not timed and any and all material can be used while completing them.

For all assignments, see important details about what is expected in your papers and reports under General Expectations.

Assigned Groups / Teams: Project groups (teams) of size 3-4 will be selected by the instructor based on your course goals and learning objectives submitted in Assignment 1. The intention is to put together project teams of people who bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives and whose learning objectives and goals complement one another’s.  In addition to demonstrating how project managers build teams with diverse strengths, it is hoped that this strategy will maximize individual learning opportunities and create some interesting and thought-provoking discussions and situations.

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Readings and Resources:

The main textbook for the course is Successful Project Management Sixth Edition by Jack Gido and James P. Clements. It is available for purchase from the University of Toronto Bookstore.  Please note that if you can purchase a second hand copy of the 5th Editions, chapter numbers for this earlier edition are included in the syllabus. Some additional journal readings are listed below and will be linked to from the syllabus.  

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Weekly Schedule:

The course is divided into 3 sections:

Section 1: Introduction, Overview, Projects, Project Management, Strategic Project Management

Section 2: Organizational, Interpersonal, Leadership, and Political Issues in Managing Projects

Section 3: Tools and Techniques for Planning, Managing, Closing, Auditing Projects

We will spend roughly the same amount of class time on each section and there will be one assignment that corresponds to each section.

Section 1: Introduction, Overview, Projects, Portfolios, Organizational Goals

Week 1 (Sep 13 / 14) Overview of Course and Introduction to Project Management 

No Reading this week J

Week 2 (Sep 20 / 21) Defining and Scoping a Project

Guest Lecture:  Dr. Steve Szigeti, “ Project Case Study”


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 1

o   Chapter 2


·       Example Project Charters and Project Charter Guide:

o   University of Waterloo  Library Website Redesign Project Charter:

o   Library and Archives Canada. (2008). Recordkeeping Assessment Projects - Project Charter. Test of the Recordkeeping Delegation Instrument. Retrieved from

o   Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. (2008). An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects – Project Charter Guide.  Retrieved from

o   Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. (2008). Project Charter Template. Retrieved from

Week 3 (Sep 27 / 28) Organizational Strategy, Organizational Structure, and Projects

Assignment 1 Due: before start of class on Blackboard


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 13


·       Articles:

o   Unger, B. N., Gemünden, H. G., & Aubry, M. (2012). The three roles of a project portfolio management office: Their impact on portfolio management execution and success. International Journal of Project Management, 30(5), 608-620. LINK

Week 4 (Oct 4 / 5) Projects, Strategic Project Management, Project Selection


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 3

·       Articles:

o   Dietrich, P., & Lehtonen, P. (2005). Successful management of strategic intentions through multiple projects–Reflections from empirical study. International Journal of Project Management, 23(5), 386-391. LINK

o   Bygstad, B. & Lanestedt, G. (2009). ICT based service innovation – A challenge for project management, International Journal of Project Management, 27(2009), 234–242.  LINK

o   Pellegrinelli, S. (2011).  What’s in a name: Project or programme? International Journal of Project Management Vol. 29 (2), pp.232-240. LINK


Section 2: Organizational, Interpersonal, Leadership, Political Issues in Managing Projects


Week 5 (Oct 11  / 12) Building a Project Team and Project Meetings

Assignment 2 Due before class (submit via Blackboard)


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 11

o   Chapter 12 (pages 398-411) not the whole chapter


·       Articles:

o   Gratton, L. & Erickson, T. J. (2007). Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams, Harvard Business Review, November 2007, pp.101—109. (see Blackboard Week 5 materials)


Week 6 (Oct 18 / 19) Leadership, Management, and Negotiation in Projects


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 10


·       Articles:

o   Goleman, D. & Boyatzis, R. (2008). Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership, Harvard Business Review, September 2008, pp.74-81. (see Blackboard Week 6 materials)

o   Fisher, E. (2011). What practitioners consider to be the skills and behaviours of an effective people project manager. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 29, pp. 944-1002. LINK

·       Top 10 Qualities of a Project Manager, Retrieved from

Guest Lecture: Dr. Yuri Takhteyev, CTO, Rangle , Speaking on Agile Project Development

Week 7 (Oct 25 / 26) Organizational Culture and Projects


·       Articles:

o   Gray, R. J. (2001). Organisational climate and project success. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 19, pp.103-109. LINK

o   Kazman, R. & Chen, H.-M. (2009). The Metropolis Model: A New Logic for Development of Crowdsourced Systems, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 52, (No. 7, July 2009). Pp.76—84. LINK

o   Google. Ten Things We Know to Be True. Retrieved from

o   Palmisano, S. Our Values at Work on Being an IBMer. Retrieved on August 31, 2012 from

Section 3: Tools and Techniques for Planning, Managing, Closing, Auditing Projects

Week 8 (Nov 1 / 2) Project Scheduling and Planning


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 4

o   Chapter 5


<<Nov 8 / 9 – Fall Reading Week no class>> Assignment 3 due Wednesday, Nov 9 by 11:59pm (submit via Blackboard)


Week 9 (Nov 15 / 16) Project Costs: estimating, budgeting, and controlling


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 7


Week 10 (Nov 22 / 23) Project Resources:


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 6


·       Article:

o   Engwall, M. & Jerbrant, A. (2003). The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management? International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 21, pp.403–409. LINK

Week 11 (Nov 29 / 30) Risk Management, Performance Measurement, Project Closure and Audit


·       Textbook:

o   Chapter 8

o   Chapter 9

o   Chapter 12 pages 411 to end of the chapter


·       Article:

o   Atkinson, R. (1999). Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, it’s time to accept other success criteria. International Journal of Project Management. 17(6):337–342. LINK

o   Whittaker, B. (1999). What went wrong? Unsuccessful information technology projects. Information Management & Computer Security. (7) 1 pp. 23-29. LINK


Week 12 (Dec 6 / 7) Project Management Careers, Summary, Review

              Assignment 4 due Friday, Dec 9 at 5pm (submit via Blackboard)


·       Articles:

·       Morris, P.W.G., Crawford, L., Hodgson, D., Shepherd, M.M. & Thomas, J. (2006). Exploring the role of formal bodies of knowledge in defining a profession – The case of project management. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.24 (2006), pp.710–721. LINK

·       Dearstyne, B. W. (2012). Smoothing the Turbulence: Project Management Strategies for the Changing Workplace. Information Management, March/April 2012, 28-33. LINK

·       Horwath, J. A. (2012). How Do We Manage? Project Management in Libraries: An Investigation. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 7(1): 34 pages. Retrieved from:


Guest Lecture: Sarah Flynn, RBC, Projects and Project Management Certification (Wed only)

Virtual Guest Lectures:  Words of Wisdom from Project Management Professionals


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General Expectations:

1.       General: Throughout the course, students are expected to practise project management principles in every aspect of their coursework and interactions (see “Practicing Project Management Principles”).

2.       Communication Policy: Please do not email questions to the instructor. If you have a question, there is a pretty good chance that other people in the course have the same question or, at least, will benefit from the answer.  Please post all questions to Blackboard (using the most appropriate forum) so that everyone in the course can benefit from your questions and our answers.  Questions posted to Blackboard will be answered within two (2) business days. Students are encouraged to post answers to the questions of other students where appropriate.

3.       Readings: It is important to complete the required readings before your class in order to fully benefit from the class activities. 

4.       Late policy:  In practising project management principles, students are expected to manage their time effectively.  If no extension has been granted, the late submission of an assignment carries a penalty of one grade point (e.g., from A to A-) for each week to a maximum of two weeks. After the two weeks, any passing assignment receives a B- or below grade. Extensions are granted

5.       Grading: Please consult the iSchool’s Grade Interpretation Guidelines and the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy. These documents will form the basis for grading in the course.

6.       Writing Support: As stated in the iSchool’s Grade Interpretation Guidelines, “work that is not well written and grammatically correct will not generally be considered eligible for a grade in the A range, regardless of its quality in other respects”. With this in mind, please make use of the writing support provided to graduate students by the SGS Office of English Language and Writing Support. The services are designed to target the needs of both native and non-native speakers and all programs are free. Please consult the current workshop schedule for more information.

7.       Academic integrity: Please consult the University’s site on Academic Integrity. The iSchool has a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism as defined in section B.I.1.(d) of the University’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. You should acquaint yourself with the Code. Please review the material in Cite it Right and if you require further clarification, consult the site How Not to Plagiarize. Cite it Right covers relevant parts of the U of T Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. It is expected that all iSchool students take the Cite it Right workshop and the online quiz. Completion of the online Cite it Right quiz should be made prior to the second week of classes. To review and complete the workshop, visit the orientation portion of the iSkills site

8.       Accommodations: Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. If you have a disability or a health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me and/or the Accessibility Services Office as soon as possible. The Accessibility Services staff are available by appointment to assess needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations. The sooner you let them and I know your needs, the quicker we can assist you in achieving your learning goals in this course.

9.       Participation and Attendance:  Discussion and interaction in the classes are important ways to learn. Sharing your experiences and ideas with your classmates is central to your learning experience in this course.  As such, you should attend and participate in every class.  There will be exercises and discussions that you will participate in within your groups in your class.  Many of the activities will be very helpful in completing your assignments.

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Practicing Project Management Principles:

Students are expected to practise project management principles in every aspect of their coursework and interactions.

·       Practise effective communication. Ensure your communications are effective regardless of which medium you use: email, discussion boards, verbal, and phone (if appropriate). Think about how to make your point or pose your question efficiently and clearly and be concise.

·       Build your social network and practise "getting along well with others" in all interactions. Try "stepping in others' shoes" and see the project or task at hand from their perspective.

·       Practise time management and estimating how long tasks will take. Do this for all of your classes, work, and other non-school activities so you won't have to ask for extensions on assignments.

·       Practise setting goals and measuring results against those goals. Determine your priorities and schedule activities that are of the highest priorities such that they will be completed on time.

·       Learn about yourself and how and when (under what conditions) you work best.

·       Practise selecting projects that support your personal strategy and goals. In some assignments and exams (in this course and others), you will be given choices as to which questions to answer. This is an opportunity to choose the one that will give you the most opportunity to focus on and think about questions that support your goals.

·       Hopefully, you will not only take away from this course the principles of project management and how to manage and work on projects more effectively but will also learn how to organization your work in general more effectively and learn some tips and suggestions for being more effective in everything you do.

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