
Syntax Project Group


University of Toronto

Fall 2003

Place: RL 6071

Time: Friday, 10:00 - 12:00


September 19

Arsalan Kahnemuyipour:
Non-projecting features:
Evidence from Persian

September 26

Meeting Canceled

October 3

Meeting Canceled
Ana Teresa Perez-Leroux's talk is moved to Oct. 24

October 17
T i m e  C h a n g e d
1 2 : 0 0 - 2 : 0 0

Gabriela Alboiu:
Interfaces and the OCC Asymmetry


Mike Barrie:
Moving towards Partial Control:
the movement vs PRO debate

October 24

Mike Barrie continues his talk.

Ana Teresa Perez-Leroux:
Definite/Bare noun contrasts in Catalan

November 14

Bettina Spreng:
Morpheme Order in Inuktitut

(Magda Goledzinowska: TBA)

November 21

Ali Jabbari (University of Yazd, Iran):
Second Language Acquisition of Tense and Aspect

December 11 (Thursday)

Chapter 1 & 2 of
Prolegomenon to a Theory of Argument Structure

(Hale and Keyser, 2002)

Prepared by Mike Barrie

December 19


Directors: Elizabeth Cowper, Alana Johns, Diane Massam

Schedule & Announcements: Magdalena Goledzinowska

Department of Linguistics at University of Toronto

Last Update: Dec. 08, 2003 by Kenji Oda

Click here to check out what we did during Fall 2002

And Spring 2003

And Summer 2003