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International Conference on Confucianism:
Retrospect and Prospect

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Confucianism, being one of the most ancient philosophical traditions in all of East Asia, has been receiving increasing scholarly attention not only in Asia but also in the West. The conference organisers hope to cover a variety of topics to do with the historical resources, present issues and future prospects (such as the relevance to globalization) of Confucianism. By bringing together participants from both Asia and North America, we aim to promote interaction between the scholars working from a variety of intellectual perspectives and so enrich the field.

September 1-2, 2005

East Asian Studies Lounge,
Robarts Library 14th Floor, Room 14087,
University of Toronto,
130 St. George Street,
Toronto ON M5S 3H1

Prof. Vincent Shen (email: vincent.shen@utoronto.ca; fax: 416-978-5711)
Mr. Hui-chieh Loy (email: confucianism2005@gmail.com)

Early pre-registration is advised, as seating may be limited (maximum 75 persons).
Please also note that lunches and refreshments are only for those who pre-register.
* * * Registration is now closed * * *

new: download the Conference Handbook (.doc|.pdf)

Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Center for the Study of East Asian Civilizations, National Taiwan University
Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore
Dr. David Chu Program in Asia Pacific Studies
Cultural Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada
Lee Chair in Chinese Thought and Culture, University of Toronto
Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington DC

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