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International Conference on Confucianism:
Retrospect and Prospect


Day 1: Opening and Keynote | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4
Day 2: Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 and Roundtable

Day 1


9:00-10:15 OPENING / KEYNOTE

Opening remarks by:

Vincent SHEN
Lee Chair in Chinese Thought and Culture,
Department of Philosophy and Department of East Asian Studies
University of Toronto

Chair and Professor, Department of East Asian Studies
University of Toronto

Keynote Speaker introduced by:

Kwong-loi SHUN
Vice President, University of Toronto
Principal, University of Toronto at Scarborough

Keynote Speech "Virtues of Junzi" by:

Antonio CUA
Professor Emeritus, School of Philosophy
The Catholic University of America

10:15-10:30 BREAK

10:30-12:00 SESSION 1

Chair: Vincent SHEN

Yuet-keung LO
Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies
National University of Singapore
Paper: "Teachers-Disciples, or Friends?
An Historico-Exegetical Approach to the Analects"

Johanna LIU
Professor, Department of East Asian Studies
University of Toronto
Paper: "Music [Yue] in Classical Confucianism:
On the Recent Discovered Xing Zi Ming Chu"

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:30 SESSION 2

Chair: Ito PENG
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Director, Dr. David Chu Program in Asia Pacific Studies
University of Toronto

Anh Tuan NUYEN
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
National University of Singapore
Paper: "Is Mencius a Moral Internalist?"

Kim-chong CHONG
Professor, Division of Humanities
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Paper: "Xunzi and the Essentialist Mode of Thinking about Human Nature"

2:30-2:45 BREAK

2:45-4:15 SESSION 3

Chair: Chun-chieh HUANG
Professor, Department of History
National Taiwan University

Alan K. L. CHAN
Professor, Department of Philosophy
Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
Paper: "Do Sages Have Emotions?"

Professor, Department of Philosophy
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Paper: "A Neo-Confucian Political Philosophy:
The Cheng Brothers on Li (Propriety) as Political, Psychological, and Metaphysical"

4:15-4:30 BREAK

4:30-6:00 SESSION 4

Chair: Chun-chieh HUANG

Chan-liang WU
Professor, Department of History
National Taiwan University
Paper: "朱子之歷史思想
(The Historical Thought of Zhu Xi)"

Jinfen YAN
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Paper: "Between the Good and the Right:
The Middle Way in Neo-Confucian and Mahayana Moral Philosophy"

6:45– DINNER

Dynasty Chinese Cuisine
131 Bloor St. W. Second floor of The Colonnade
(Tel: 416-923-3323)

(for speakers, co-sponsors and invited guests only)

Day 1: Opening and Keynote | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4
Day 2: Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 and Roundtable

Day 2


9:00-10:30 SESSION 5

Chair: Alan K. L. CHAN

Assistant Professor, Departments of History and East Asian Studies
University of Toronto
Paper: "Locating the moral self: emotions and human agency in Song Neo-Confucian thought"

Kwong-loi SHUN
Paper: "'Wholeness' and 'Purity' in Confucian Thought"

10:30-10:45 BREAK

10:45-12:15 SESSION 6

Chair: Alan K. L. CHAN

Chen-feng TSAI
Professor, Department of Chinese Literature
National Taiwan University
Paper: "丁茶山的四書學
(Ding Cha Shan's Study of the Four Books)"

Chi-hsiung CHENG
Professor, Department of Chinese Literature
National Taiwan University
Paper: "試論中國經典詮釋的三個核心問題
(On Three Core Problems to the Explanation of the Chinese Classics)"

12:15-1:15 LUNCH

1:15-2:45 SESSION 7

Chair: Kwong-loi SHUN

Chao-ying CHEN
Professor, Department of Chinese Literature
National Taiwan University
Paper: "徐復觀與自由主義
(Xu Fuguan and Liberalism)"

Wing-cheuk CHAN
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
Brock University
Paper: "On Mou Tsung-san's Idealist Confucianism"

2:45-3:00 BREAK

3:00-4:30 SESSION 8

Chair: Kwong-loi SHUN

Cecilia WEE
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
National University of Singapore
Paper: "Confucius on Li and Montaigne on Coustume:
A Reflection on Customary Practices and Personal Autonomy"

Chun-chieh HUANG
Paper: "Itô Jinsai on Confucius' Analects:
A Type of Confucian Hermeneutics in East Asia"

4:30-4:45 BREAK


Chair: Kwong-loi SHUN

Vincent SHEN
Paper: "Globalization and Confucianism:
Confucian Virtues of Shu and Generosity to the Other"

Prospects for Confucian Studies in Asia and North America

18:45– DINNER

Dynasty Chinese Cuisine
131 Bloor St. W. Second floor of The Colonnade
(Tel: 416-923-3323)

(for speakers, co-sponsors and invited guests only)

End of conference

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