
Caesarius of Alres's Encyclical letter of ca 534

Please see my article 'New evidence for the influence of Gallic canon law in Anglo-Saxon England'.

The Letter, catalogued as a decretal of pseudo-Hormisdas (JK †868, 'Ecce manifestissime'), is edited in Concilia Galliae a. 511–a. 695, ed. C. de Clercq, CCSL 148A (Turnhout, 1963), pp. 90–5, lines 106–272, including a preface of several Gallic canons at pp. 89–90, lines 77–105. It has been translated by W. E. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles: life, testament, letters (Liverpool, 1994), 107–13.

Transcription: To view a transcription of this text from Bodley 572, click here.