Posted on 08.20.2003 by Sifar
All the content and media on this website created by me (Mohammed Ali Khan aka sifar) are copyrighted 2003 - 2006. All other materials created are trademarks and copyrighted by their respectful owners and producers. That includes many of the images used in the site. Information has been sourced, whenever necessary and so hopefully no infringement is being placed. If you feel that this site has broken any copyright laws, please feel free to email me at auron101@hotmail.com
Images and media re-created by me (such as the layout of this site) cannot be taken period. Screenshots on the other hand can be obtained for one's site. However, a simple email and an acceptance letter from me will be required in order for you to do so legally.
If you have a question regarding our copyright, privacy, or any other policies, please send us an e-mail at auron101@hotmail.com
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