PanLab Publications Teaching People Join

Positions are available for undergraduate and graduate students. Please email xp.pan@utoronto.ca for more information. As a lab, we strive to build an inclusive and diverse community where we feel supported intellectually and academically, valued and respected for who we are, and able to express ourselves freely.

Undergraduate Students

Please read the application criteria carefully to determine your eligibility, then contact Xue with the following information:

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Graduate Students

Our lab is part of the Department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto. Graduate students should apply through the Department of Cells and Systems Biology which offers both MSc and PhD programs. General admission requirements and application procedures can be found here. Applications are typically accepted between mid-November and early-February each year to initiate graduate studies the following fall (September) or winter (January) semesters. Prospective graduate students should contact Xue directly in advance of their application with:

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply for all scholarships and awards for which they meet the eligibility requirements. Please read the criteria carefully to confirm your eligibility, then contact Xue for support in preparing application materials.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Currently, we do not have any fully funded postdoctoral positions open in our lab. However, we are always looking for highly motivated and creative candidates who will be competitive for external fellowships. We are aways happy to develop proposals for fellowship applications. Please check your eligibility for the fellowships listed below and other fellowship opportunities, then contact Xue well in advance of the deadlines with the following information:

Postdoctoral Fellowships: