Baby, when you're gone

After taking up salsa lessons in January I have officially become an avid salsa dancer...mind you I am not a great dancer but I've been told that I'm really good at doing "tight turns" and have good reflexes. I guess that's a great thing, and it's always good to meet cute guys when I'm in the TSP practices on Saturdays.

On that note that is why I decided to get a haircut- when I am in salsa practices/lessons my hair is always flipping in my face and it's really annoying - especially when you are doing a fast song and you are dancing with a good dancer. Luckily most of the guys that I've danced with at TSP are really nice people and didn't seem to mind too much that I would step on their feet once in a while.

Anyway, my point is that I got my haircut today- I asked for a bob, and a bob cut I got. I think it's a pretty fun 'do - too bad I don't have the Natalie Portman-esque profile to go with it.

On another note, March looks like a real busy month for me! This weekend I'll be participating in AIESEC Canada's Cultural Intergation Learning seminar with CIDA. And then next weekend I'm off to Ottawa/Montreal for a project with WUSC/Uniterra!! Yay for travelling!!
Rita @ 23:25

All rights R.P / Apr04 / Since June01
Comments by:YACCS