Baby, when you're gone

Another reason why watching the OC is a waste of time: so I was randomly browsing the other day and by chance I stumbled upon the myspace personal page of Seth Cohen (i.e. one of the male leads in the infamously famous show The O.C. in North America). So apparently the guy who starred as Seth Cohen has started a page for himself (or should I say the character?) on myspace. There is currently more than 13000 members who are actively browsing the page and leaving comments on it on a daily basis. Now, I don't watch the OC nor care about what is currently happening, but it seems like the guy who is playing Seth (Adam Brody) created a myspace page for this particular character. According to one entry he now has to "sift through 2000+ messages and has 6000 people who are pending his approval to be his friend".

When an actor has the level of intelligence to create a webpage for a TV character and writes with bad grammar, it's a sign that TV is indeed shit for your brain. Unless he's trying to be very, very clever and make fun of the whole beauty-without-brains thing, something that seems to evade the entire OC cast. Which I really, really doubt.

Any ideas anyone?
Rita @ 15:42

All rights R.P / Apr04 / Since June01
Comments by:YACCS