Sarina Turner



University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario
Vice President - University of Toronto Operations Research Group (UTORG)
Vice President - CORS/INFORMS University of Toronto Student Chapter
Reviewer - Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Symposium 2013
Treasurer - The Association of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Students (AMIGAS) 2009-2011

University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario
Panelist - Engineering Open House 2008
Vice President - Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Student Chapter 2006 - 2007

Volunteer Experience
Go Engineering Girl: Program to encourage young ladies to consider engineering as a career options
Computers for Kids: An after school tutoring program
Note taker: Take notes for students in the Special Needs Program

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS)