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Recent publications:

Luis M. & Tremblay, L. (in press). Visual feedback utilization during a back-tuck somersault: Evidence for optimal visual feedback utilization. Motor Control.

Khan, M., Tremblay, L., Cheng, D.T., Luis, M., & Mourton, S. (in press). The preparation and control of reversal movements as a single unit of action. Experimental Brain Research.

Hansen, S., Tremblay, L., and Elliott, D. (2008). Real time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming. Human Movement Science, 27, 1-11.

Hansen, S., Elliott, D., and Tremblay, L. (2007). Online control of discrete action following visual perturbation. Perception, 36, 268-287.

Tremblay, L., and Elliott, D. (2007). Sex differences in judging self-orientation: The morphological horizon and body pitch. BMC Neuroscience, 8:6.

Krigolson, O., Van Gyn, G., Heath, M., and Tremblay, L. (2006). The role of feedback in visual imagery: A test of the specificity of practice hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 24-32.

Glazebrook, C., Elliott, D., Lyons, J., and Tremblay, L. (2005). Crossmodal Inhibition of Return in Adults with and without Down Syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 22¸ 277-290.

Tremblay, L. , Welsh, T.N., and Elliott, D. (2005). Between-trial inhibition and facilitation in goal-directed aiming: Manual and spatial asymmetries. Experimental Brain Research, 160, 79-88.

Hansen , S.D. , Tremblay, L. , and Elliott, D. (2005). Partial and whole practice: Chunking and on-line control in the acquisition of a serial motor task. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 60-66.

Heath, M., Welsh, T.N., Simon, D.A., Tremblay, L. , Elliott, D., and Roy , E.A. (2005). Relative Processing Demands Influence Cerebral Laterality for Verbal-Motor Integration in Persons with Down Syndrome. Cortex, 41, 61-66.

Recent conference presentations:

Tremblay, L., Dragicevic, P., & McGuffin. Ballistic and current control phases of action. 12ième Congrès International de l’ACAPS (Association des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives) - 2007.

Neely, K., Tremblay, L., & Heath, M. Tendon vibration influences the early, but not late, stages of grasping. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) - 2007.

Luis, M. & Tremblay, L. Visual feedback utilization during saccadic gaze displacements for the control of limb movements. SCAPPS - 2007.

Heath, M., Tremblay, L., & Binsted, G. Vision predominates sensorimotor transformations for online grasping control. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - 2007.

Cheng, D.T., Tremblay, L., Luis, M. The Trial-by-Trial Effects of Visual Feedback Uncertainty in Manual Aiming. North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) - 2007.

Wong, S.M., Luis, M., Cheng, D., & Tremblay, L. Does IOR Occur in Discrimination Tasks? Aiming Response and Vocal Response. NASPSPA - 2007.

Mourton, S.M., Khan, M., Tremblay, L., Cheng, D., & Luis, M. Time Course of Element Integration in Two-Target Reversal Movements. SCAPPS - 2006.

Tremblay, L., Corson, L., Cheng, D., and Luis, M. On-line utilization of visual and proprioceptive information during manual aiming. International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) - 2006.

Cheng, D.T., Tremblay, L. and Simon, D.A. Benefits of random practice over blocked practice for short and prolonged acquisition protocols. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) - 2006.

Luis, M., and Tremblay, L. Visual Feedback Utilization During a Back Tuck Somersault. NASPSPA - 2006.

Tremblay, L., Hansen, S., and Cheng, D.T. All visual samples were not created equal: Evidence from real-time manipulations. Annual conference of the Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) - 2005.

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