

The popularity of methamphetamine use among the urban gay population is really an industrial relations issue.

While their sensibility is seriously offended by the crudity of the gloomy post-machinery age, the homosexuals resort to the role of a consumer and glamorously accept the verdict of being over-sexed, thus they found the compromise they are looking for. The meth functions on them not only medically, but also psychologically and symbolically. It keeps them “in”. That’s neither the only place nor the only time the industrial society uses this very drug as bribery to corrupt the innocent. The drug is especially popular in the American northwestern ‘heartland’ among the rural population. It’s rampant in the Pacific Rim where the most radical industrialization is taking place. In the 1950s and 60s the Japanese actually administrated methamphetamine to the factory workers to increase production. Meth is known as a virile drug, but this is a myth, as the beauty and pleasure of sex much advertised anywhere is. The truth is, addiction to sex and substance is encouraged to retain certain populations to be involved in the hierarchy of an industrial, consumer and modern society in the age of globalization. 




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