VIGnett - a brief, evocative description, account, or episode from the point of Vig
Camouflaged Subway

Sheppard Ave East.
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Suspicious Package

Hart House. It's like something from the ACME catalogue whipped up by Wile E. Coyote.
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Container Handler

Port of Toronto. Stripped, Rusted and Forgotten
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Port of Toronto. The rent-a-cop guarding this place made a fuss when I started taking pics from outside the fenced port area. He said I needed permission to photograph anything beyond the fence, but I stood my ground knowing I was on public property and anything in plain view is fair game. I'm fed up with all this post 9/11 hysteria that's undermining the very freedoms that are supposedly "under-attack" by the axis of evil. Loooks like brown guys sporting goatees and wanting to photograph are just out of luck.
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Concrete Chunk

Cherry St. Despite the advice of City TV who suggested that you not so much as lift a finger and remain holed up in an air conditioned Shangri-La lest you melt on your front steps, yesterday was a beautiful summer day to be out and enjoy TO.
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Red Wheels

U of T cogeneration power plant
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Lash Miller Chemical Labs: When concrete goes wrong, or a Modernist masterpiece?
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