Copyright and Cyberspace


  • SCott, Brian. "Copyright Infringement Statistic." Research Copyright. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov 2010.".
  • Adams, Sean. "95% of Music Downloads in 2008 Were Illegal." Drowned in Sound. N.p., 2009. Web. 8 Nov 2010.
  • Williams, Alans. "Copyright: Past, Present and Future." Learning Publishing. 20. (2007): 113-119. Web. 3 Oct 2010. (Williams 113-119)

  • "What are Copyright?." History of Copyright. Doteasy, 2005. Web. 8 Nov 2010.
  • Adler, Prue. "Copyright Timeline: History of COpyright In United States." Association of Research Libraries . N.p.,2007. Web. 8 Nov 2010.
  • Gauntlett, David, and Ross Horsley. Wed. Studies. 2nd ed. Edward Arnold Limited, 2004. Print. (Gauntlett, and Horsley)
  • Yen, Alfred C. "Internet Service Provider Liability for Subscriber Copyright Infringement, Enterprise Liability, and the First Amendment." Georgetown Law Journal 88.6 (2000): 1883. Web. 8 Nov 2010. (Yen 1883)