Friday, August 04, 2006

Weekend Update

It is a long weekend but I currently don't have any special plans. Rest, relax. I will probably just do simple things, such as reading, programming, and do some light sports (due to my ankle injury).

I had a fever last night, with quite a few potential reasons --- so I don't know what exactly the reason was. I went to the Doctor's Office this morning and got some medicine. I am feeling well now, except that my throat is still a little bit sore.

I got two mails tonight and one was from engineering's admission office, informing that I got some scholarship for my academic performance in the last school year. Naturally, I am quite happy with that :) Now my awards can cover my tuition without any problem.

I am intentionally not writing much about my work life here, but overall I enjoy it. We have get great wrok environment, people who are very intelligent and play table-tennis well! It is indeed a great joy to work with smart people!

Finally, I think I should at least keep this blog update weekly by this weekly update format.. hope I can do that.


Littlemoon said...

you've been too tired, and stressed, although you don't feel so... but your body is telling you so...

so, plz rest :)

9:01 PM, August 06, 2006  

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