When I grow up ...
When I grow up, I want to be a wedding crasher! Damn, that looks fun!

I just watched the movie last night, and this one is actually as funny as the critics acclaim it is. There were soooo many great moments in the film. I will not spoil anything. The story moves along very well, and the chemistry between all the casts works great. Well worth checking out!

I just watched the movie last night, and this one is actually as funny as the critics acclaim it is. There were soooo many great moments in the film. I will not spoil anything. The story moves along very well, and the chemistry between all the casts works great. Well worth checking out!
At 9:21 PM, Elisa said…
haha, I'm gunna watch that as soon as I can :) You're from Toronto huh? Have you ever gone to the Matador club?
At 4:07 AM, william said…
LoL, that's a country music club isn't it? I've never been there, but now that I think about it, i use to live very close to there when i was a kid.
At 7:20 PM, Elisa said…
haha...no...it's this really cool, underground, kinda crazy club. They sell drinks there after the curfew time (by women with trench coats and cowboy hats, haha)and they have (when we went there) this really really cool live music...I've only been there twice...but both times were amazing...seriously...good place to go after 2am.
We also went to "the lucky garden" karaoke bar...hehe, great times :)
At 9:10 PM, william said…
Alright, I might check that out sometime, thanks.
So you've been to Toronto a few times, huh? how do you like it here? probably not as grand and fancy as Sydney...
At 8:50 PM, Elisa said…
haha...no, I was studying for a year at uni in NY and I went up to Toronto with some of my Irish/Scottish friends around September (so it wasn't too cold) 2003...We were so sick of the U.S drinking laws and Americans in general by that time that were LOVED Toronto to death...seriously...I remember I picked up a paper and saw the word in a headline spelt "colour" and was like screaming about it :)We found the people to be so relaxed compared to Ny-ers. We had the best time...yeah...the Matador is unlike any club I've ever been to...apparently its run by cops so it never gets busted for selling alcohol after hours. Eh...I don't like Sydney that much, the weather is great but it's a little too sprawled out for my liking. That's great that you're getting out of your job a week early!
At 7:34 PM, william said…
Oh yes, 19 instead of 21? that's a pretty sweet deal.
I do like living here, but if i were to go to Australia, i would so love it just as much as you loved Toronto. Hopefully in a few years, i'll get to do exactly that.
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