

October 08, 2006

Never thought I'd say it, but ...

I am now officially homesick. Due to the fact that I am actually sick. I don't know what caused it, but being completely taken out for the whole weekend is not pleasant, at all. I got my suspicion on the canned chicken soup or the dust in our place, but damn, my stomach got really screwed up, I had to vomit 7 times last night. Today, I even missed the intern vs. ex-intern paintball competition. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

The season's a-changin'. It's getting cold in California and for the first time in over 4 months, it rained last week. It's a good thing I changed new windshield wipers a couple weeks ago. I guess the summer has come to an end, but I'm interested to see how fall, oops I meant "autumn", looks like in Cali. Reflecting back, I must say, it was a really fun summer. Coming here to Bay Area, starting real work, finding a place to live, cars, and all that independence stuff, exploring California, and having a good time with the gang.

Last Monday, Michelle and I went to see Mariah Carey (or MC as they call her) at the Oakland Arena. Busta Rhymes opened for her, and was pretty good. Mariah's performance was also not too bad. She sang a lot of her old top hits songs, which was good for me, because I have no idea about her recently songs. I'm not that big of a fan of Mariah, but it was certainly fun times.


  • At 9:05 PM, !M! said…

    hope u are better now
    don't miss toronto too much
    c'est la meme chose toujours!

    a la prochaine!


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