Conan O'Brien and Russell Peters
Conan came to
So Joe and I skipped work that day to be in San Fran at the Orpheum Theatre all day. The taping began at 4pm, but we arrived at the theatre at around 11am, only to find about 200 people outside in line already! The first in line arrived at 6am in the morning. Talk about dedication. Waiting in line for 4 hours on a windy day was not fun, but we got through it. Finally, when we were allowed into the theatre, we scored awesome seats, just about 10 rows back from the stage. When Conan came out to do his monologue, we were insanely close, like 20 ft from him. The guests on the show were Randy Jackson, frisbee throwing champion, and some band made up of really old dudes (I don't know who). We got to see Max Weinberg and the band, and all the supporting casts, except the Masturbating Bear :( Overall, the taping was good, Conan was funny, the atmosphere was great and I had a great time.
A week after, I went to see a live Russell Peters show at the Cobb's Comedy Club in This was part of his 2007 tour, which promised to deliver on new materials. Initially the tickets were all sold out, but somehow 2 more become available online, and I snatched it. Again, I was really lucky to stumble upon it.
Robert and I arrived at the club about an hour ahead and was the second group in line. So we were seated in the front row, right beneath where Russell performed! I saw his previous gig at the Warfield (Outsourced on DVD), which was hilarious so had my hopes high for this. And he did not disappoint. Not only was it fresh new materials, he did great improv bits with the audience right on the spot. The best jokes were Canadian mocks, that only Canucks in the crowd got. It was a great performance, totally worth the $60, because I got to laugh my ass off.
Labels: Conan_OBrien, Russell_Peters
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