
“As to those for whom to work hard, to begin and begin again,
to attempt and be mistaken, to go back and rework everything from
top to bottom, and still find reason to hesitate from one step to
the next--as to those, in short, for whom to work in the midst of
uncertainty and apprehension is tantamount to failure, all I can say
is that clearly we are not from the same planet.” (The Use
of Pleasure, p 7.)
“. . . the further
one goes in interpretation, the closer one approaches at the same
time an absolutely dangerous region where interpretation is not only
going to find its points of no return but where it is going to disappear
itself as interpretation, bringing perhaps the disappearance of the
interpreter himself. The existence that always approached some absolute
point of interpretation would be at the same time that of a breaking
point [point de rupture] [point de rupture].” (“Nietzsche,
Freud, Marx,” [1964] 63.)
"We have to determine
the extent to which our anti-Hegelianism is possibly one of his [Hegel's]
tricks directed against us, at the end of which he stands, motionless,
waiting for us." ("Discourse on Language")