
I maintain this site for my own personal interests and work in sound, audio, cinema and the digital humanities. All posts and ramblings are my own.

I use ansible to maintain this the html files that comprise this site. The reason I don't use a CMS is because one of the guiding priciples of digital humanities is you alwyas need to have access to the raw data, and enlosing them into some sort of proprietary data management system will ultimatly result in one day that system being obsolete and your data stuck in it.

I graduated from UofT and studied Cinema Studies, Digital Humanities, Book and Media Studies and Music History and Culture.

I think the seeds that sprouted my interest and obsession with Cinema was planted back in the early 80s when I happened to pick up a copy of a cinema magazines which had some articles on Ridley Scott and the making of Blade Runner. A little later, in between watching blockbusters such as Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and E.T., I saw a cool poster of a desert landscape and bought a ticket to see Wim Wenders' Paris/Texas; and I think that exposed to me to my first real art film as a kid. I don't think I undertood what it was about until much later in life, but I became fascinated and obsessed with art cinema ever since.

My two favorite films are Fredrico Fellin's 812 and Wim Wenders' King of the Road. I watch 812 at least once every year and I think it's one of those film's that reveals something new about itself every time you watch it.

Well.. that’s about it. Hope you find something useful, and interesting and entertaining here.
