Digital Humanities at UofT
Digital Humanities projects at UofT

Computing resources at UofT
Some other external computing resources

A list of recommended teaching resources for graduate students entering the teaching field. Note: All links require UofT library login.
Film & Cinema Studies Resources
Music Studies Resources

Creative Studies

Alexander, Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. (1977). A pattern language : towns, buildings, construction. Oxford University Press.

Alexander, Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. (1976). A pattern language which generates multi-service centers. Center for Environmental Structure.

Beer. (1972). Brain of the firm: the managerial cybernetics of organization. Allen Lane the Penguin Press.

Cage, Cage, J., Daniels, D., & Arns, I. (2012). Sounds like silence : John Cage, 4’33", silence today : 1912, 1952, 2012. Spector Books.

Cage. (1961). Silence; lectures and writings. ([1st ed.]. --). Wesleyan University Press.

Cybernetworks TODO

Eastern European Studies

An in depth listing of books and papers on the Balkans and Eastern Europe by academics considered experts on the subject. The listing is provided as a general research aid for anyone interested in the subject and there is no particular logic or meaning to the listing other than being alphabetical by author.

Being someone originally from the region, all I can add to the discussion is that the only true authorities on the subject are the people that have lived there all their lves, still live there, and have chosen to continue to live there throughout the turmoils the region has gone through.