Dennis E-journal

Just a place for me to write a few words down

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Spiderman 2!
So yesterday, Selene and I finally went to see Spiderman 2 =) was my choice...Selene actually wanted to see Dodgeball or Anchorman but since I was paying I got to choose the movie hehehehehe =)...note to all the guys....because you pay, you can choose to be movie =)....Anyways Spiderman 2 was awesome...I really liked the story and it was full of action. It was funny though because everyone's be saying the Toby McGuire and Kristen Dunst are ugly...which I totally agree...I guess Toby needs to be super geeky but I don't know why they choose Kristen Dunst...I mean she does absolutely nothing for me....Actually I don't think I know one person that thinks either Toby McGuire or Kristen Dunst are hot.....but correct me if I'm wrong....with that said the movie was very well put together although they did break several super hero rules:

1. People are never suppose to know the identity of the hero
2. Heroes never get the girl they love


Oh yeah if any of you guys are going to see movies, Hbc has this awesome deal for associates that for 23 bucks you get two tickets to any movie, 2 regular pops, and 1 regular bag of popcorn......and there are not restrictions on you want to take advantage of this awesome deal just let me know...oh yeah it only works for famous players =)

I'm going golfing with work today...hopefully it stops raining and I don't suck too badly on the course =)