UofT ECE 467 (2022 Fall) - Lab 4

The website and starter code is being pre-emptively updated!

I don't know if I'll be teaching the course again, but if I wait until next year I'll forget feedback I've received. Note that more test cases have been added (if you pull the new starter code); those are for the (potential) future!


Lab Description

Note: expect to do a lot of searching and reading for this lab!

In this final lab, you will implement the intermediate representation (IR) for your compiler, using LLVM. Your task in this lab will be to:

You may additionally wish to read the LLVM manual, or LLVM docs, for a better idea of the LLVM infrastructure.

Performing I/O

For a program to do something interesting, it (probably) needs to make system calls to perform I/O. In runtime.cpp, there are two functions by default; to read an int, and to print an int. You can define additional functions here, add the corresponding function declaration to the input file to the compiler, and call it (you don’t need to add anything for these labs, but it provides a way for you to extend your compiler if you wish). The starter CMake files build libece467rt.a (at <your build directory>/src/libece467rt.a) from runtime.cpp. Later, you link this static archive to your compiled program, to be able to call the (arbitrary) functions you have defined.

Linking Your Compiled Object Files

By default, given an input file hi.c, the starter code outputs hi.c.o. You will notice that this file is not executable, even if you have a main function. Unfortunately, there’s a whole other dark side to compilers known as linking. To keep things simple, we’ll just use the existing system linker, for which gcc is actually just a frontend to. So given hi.c.o, you want to run the following command (paths relative to inside the build directory):

gcc -o <hi.o> hi.c.o -Lsrc -lece467rt -lreadline

The flag -L adds a path to the list gcc searches for libraries from. The -l flags compile in/link libece467rt.a and libreadline.so respectively. The readline library is just a slightly nicer input prompt, used by the provided read_int function. Note that the order is important.

You can use the script do_compile.sh provided in the starter code to compile an input file with your compiler (outputs a.out in the current directly) as well as gcc/g++ (outputs b.out in the current directly). You are encouraged to read this script (it’s short) to become more familiar with invoking gcc/g++ directly.

Now you can run ./hi.o!

LLVM Quick Reference


Miscellaneous Abbreviations

Test Cases

The test cases used for marking are provided in the starter code’s test directory. See the comment at the top of each file for a description.

You can compile the tests with gcc to see the expected output.

gcc -c -o collatz.o test/lab4/collatz.c
g++ -c -o runtime.o src/runtime.cpp
g++ -o collatz runtime.o collatz.o -lreadline

The following test case will be used to give part marks for the Fibonacci numbers test, which should not require chapter 7 of the LLVM tutorial (mutable variables) in order to pass.

// 2 points for correct fib1.

void put_int(int x);

int fib1(int n) {
	if (n <= 1) {
		return n;
	return fib1(n - 1) + fib1(n - 2);

int main() {
	put_int(fib1(0)); // forgot to call fib1 in the original post...
	return 0; // forgot this in the original post

The original file fib.c remains the same, but is only worth 2 marks for correct output.


Last updated: 2022-12-23 09:56:36 -0500.