COPYRIGHT 2007 DonHoo Lee
CCT260 Major Assignment

Mixer28. Business Tips - 6 Key Web Pages for ECommerce Websites. YouTube. 3 Nov 2007.

Modern Economic Eras. 23 Feb. 2003. Internet Macroeconomics. 12 Nov 2007. <http://www.brazo>.

Molenaar, C.N.A. The Future of Marketing. Great Britain: Cor Molenaar. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2002.

Reid, David A and Richard E. Plank. Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research. New York: The
Haworth Press, Inc., 2004.

Richardson, Paul. Internet Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001.

Sandeepchagger. E-Commerce – Evolution. YouTube. 3 Nov 2007. <

Schwartz, Evan I. WEBONOMICS. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1997.

Statistical Challenges in Ecommerce Research. SCECR 2007. 2 Nov 2007. <>.

Van Slyke, Craig and France Belanger. E-Business Technologies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

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