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Notes on Business Etiquette
Participants not dressed in appropriate business attire will not be admitted to any parts of the competition. If you are uncertain about what the wear, the followings serve as guidelines for your reference (adapted from the University of Toronto Career Centre materials).
Suits: natural fabrics in solid dark colours.
Shirts: avoid bright colours and patterns. White or pale blue colours are preferred.
Ties: avoid bright, loud colours and patterns. Choose silk ties in toned down colours and patterns.
Socks: choose a colour that matches your suit.
Shoes: should be polished and heels should not be worn.
Jewellery: optional. If you choose to wear jewellery, keep it simple such as a watch and maybe a ring.
Briefcase: use this instead of a knapsack.
Skirts, suits or pantsuits: natural fabrics in solid dark colours.
Blouses: a cotton or silk blouse in a neutral colour.
Shoes: the colour should match your suit and handbag. Choose a shoe with a low heel, e.g., 1-1.5" heel. Avoid open toe shoes. Make sure they are polished.
Stockings: go with what is fashionable. Choose a shade close to your skin tone and avoid patterns.
Jewellery: Avoid dangling or swaying jewellery that draws attention away from what you are saying. The attention should be on you not on your noisy jewellery.
Briefcase: Use this instead of a knapsack.
Hair: should be clean, neat and away from your face.
Cologne/Perfume: optional. It is probably best to avoid wearing both since you may not know if you the person you will be talking to has allergies.
Deodorant: a must when you meet speakers or recruiters.
Mouth: bring a toothbrush to the dinner at Faculty Club. Mouthwash is provided at Faculty Club.
Suits/shirts/dresses: should be clean and freshly pressed.
Nametags and Introductions
Wear your nametag on your right lapel as it is easier to read when shaking hands.
Introduce yourself using your first and last name.
When addressing an organization representative or employer, use their title (Mr. or Ms.) until they give you permission to address them by their first name.
Meeting with Speakers, Representatives, and Recruiters at the Competition and at the Faculty Club Dinner
After the intitial introduction, move onto small talk about the case competition or about the speaker's/representative's/recruiter's organization. Remember not to take up too much of their time.
Be aware of the pitch, volume and rate at which you speak. Monitor your tone to ensure you are not speaking in a flat and monotone voice.
If you are too loud in your speech, you will draw unnecessary attention to yourself and may come across as annoying.
If you are a fast talker, the person you are speaking with may have a hard time understanding you.
Pace yourself and match your pitch, volume and rate to that of your listener.
Concentrate on what the other person is saying.
Reconfirm what the speaker has said by repeating back to them in your own words what you have heard to ensure you have understoodtheir point.
Wait for the speaker to complete their point before responding. Never interrupt.
Ask questions if you need clarity on something being said.
Pay attention to the speaker by using positive body language such as nodding occassionally smiling. Stand with your back straight and your shoulders back. Clasping your hands behind your back or in front is more professional than placing your hands in your pocket.
When sitting, do not slouch, jig your knees. Sit upright and look comfortable and relaxed with signs of confidence.
Do not fidget with things or use distracting gestures while listening to someone.
Make the Most out of it!
Gather organizations' literature so that you can follow-up with the organizations you are interested in at a later date.
Turn off your cell phone.
Do not stand in a corner or spend a lot of time eating and drinking, waiting for people to come up to you. Instead, be prepared with your personal introduction to other participants, speakers, representatives, and recruiters with confidence and a smile!
ODA@UT wishes you to have an enjoyable date with us on November 15, 2002. Good luck!!
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