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OB & Change Management Team Challenge: 1st Prize - "The CMA Prize" (Includes an award and $100 Cash Prize); 2nd Prize (a pair of tickets and other valuable gifts); 3rd Prize (a pair of tickets and other valuable gifts)

HR & OB Knowledge Challenge: 1st Prize - "The HRPAO Prize" (Includes an award, a pair of theatre tickets, and other valuable gifts)

Best Spirit Award - "The Tarragon Theatre Prize" (Includes an award and other valuable gifts)

List of Speakers

Opening Remarks - 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Elaine Lai, ODA@UT President

Santha Tsang, B.A., M.Acc., CMA, CMA Regional Director of Marketing and Communications

Opening Speech - 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Monica Belcourt , B.A., M.A., M. Ed. PhD., CHRP, HRPAO President Elect

Seminar I - 3:00pm - 3:45pm

Mieke Smulders, Principal Consultant, M.A., IBM Consulting Services - Change Management: Concepts, Issues & Related Applications

Susanne Lyle, B.Sc., M.Sc., Principal Consultant, Endeavour Consulting - Appreciative Inquiry - Building On the Best

Shirley Stobnicky, B.A.Hons., M.Ed., Consultant, Mercer Delta Consulting Limited - Performance Management: "Snooze Your Loose"

Seminar II - 4:45pm - 5:30pm

Jerry Hogeveen, BBA, B.Ed., M.Ed., Mercer Delta Consulting Limited, Director, Johnston Smith International - Organization Development: Bringing who you are to
what you do

Rod Rego, B.A., CMA, Senior Consultant, Hatch & Associates - Change Management - Strategies to Execution

Sooni Sidhwa, CMA - Change Management - The Human Aspects

List of Judges

Michael Applin, IBM Consulting Services

Mieke Smulders, Principal Consultant, M.A., IBM Consulting Services

Santha Tsang, B.A., M.Acc, CMA, CMA Regional Director of Marketing and Communications

Susanne Lyle, B.Sc., M.Sc., Principal Consultant, Endeavour Consulting

Michael Low, B.Sc., B.A., C.M.A., C.F.O., Faculty of Medicine, Unversity of Toronto

Eric Wright, BBA, CMA, Associate Director Investor Relations, Rogers Communications Inc

Alex Goncharenko Jr., BBA, CMA, Director, Special Projects at Manulife Financial

Sydney Lee, FCCA, CMA, MBA, Controller, ABN AMRO Bank

CMA Judges

List of Guests and Recruiters

Kevin Galazka, Branch Manager, Swift Trade Securities

CMA Recruiters

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