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Directions to the University of Toronto

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Directions and Parking Information to Bahen Centre & Faculty Club

Bahen Centre of Information Technology, University of Toronto
40 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario

The Faculty Club, University of Toronto
41 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario

You will find quick and convenient access to the Bahen Centre of IT and the Faculty Club from any campus location with public transit (see campus map link above). For those who are taking the TTC, get off at College subway station, then take the College Westbound streetcar to St. George, and walk to the Northwest side of St. George street, continue walking for around 2 minutes until arriving at Bahen front door.

Parking is available at Bahen Centre of IT, 1 Spadina Cres., (please see parking diagram below) and at the Graduate House (not shown).

Bahen Centre Underground Meter Parking
Drive along College Street, turn right (North) at Huron Street.
A parking entrance is on the right hand side, after the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape.

Minimum Charge $3.00

5am - 5pm: $6.00/hr

Daily Maximum: $14.00

5pm - 12am: $5.00

Spadina 1 Meter Parking
Drive North on Spadina, past College, around Spadina Circle, keep on left lane - entrance on N side to SP1 (do not park on reserved blocks on permit block).

Graduate House Meter Parking
One block N of Harbord, turn right (E) onto Glen Morris (one-way east). Underground parking (2 levels) at NE corner of Graduate House, entrance off Glen Morris.

Map of Bahen Centre

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