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Journal Papers
Osman, H. and
El-Diraby, T.E.(2006) “Ontological Modeling of Infrastructure Products
and Related Concepts” Transportation Research Record. (In Press)
The large
number of infrastructure renewal projects taking place along congested
urban transportation corridors pose several challenges for all project
proponents. As such, closer integration of processes among all
stakeholders is required throughout the project lifecycle. This
integration can be accomplished through enhancing inter-organizational
information interoperability. This paper presents an emerging tool
that is gaining momentum in the computer science field and has great
potential to facilitate knowledge sharing and interoperability:
Ontologies. The paper presents a 4-layer distributed ontology for
representing infrastructure products and related concepts. The root
level is a representation of the abstract super-classes (entities and
supporting concepts) upon which the next levels use to construct their
semantics. The following 2 levels are considered ontologies specific
to the domain of infrastructure products but are created at different
levels of detail to maintain consistency with other ontology
development efforts. The final level is the application ontology which
utilizes the core knowledge defined at the domain level to create sets
of task specific ontologies. In this paper, an urban infrastructure
design coordination ontology (UIDC-Onto) is presented. The ontology
was then used to build a collaborative GIS-based system to support
design coordination of utilities along urban transportation corridors.
The system demonstrates how ontologies can be used to streamline the
utility design coordination process among utility companies and
El-Gohary, N.,
Osman, H., and El-Diraby, T.E. (2006) "Stakeholder Management for Public
Private Partnership" International Journal of Project Management. (In Press)
Various problems
have been encountered on presumably successful public private
partnership (P3) initiatives around the world that have eventually led
to project failure. Stakeholder opposition has been reported as the
main reason for failure in several instances. As such, capturing and
addressing stakeholder input is crucial to the success of P3 projects.
Stakeholder involvement (SI) is an interdisciplinary domain that spans
many disciplines within the social sciences (sociology, psychology,
marketing, etc…). The fragmented nature of knowledge in this domain is
impeding project managers from leading successful SI programs. As
such, this paper presents a semantic model and taxonomy that
represents the key concepts underlying stakeholder involvement in P3
infrastructure projects. The model has the potential to act as a core
for knowledge representation, sharing and reuse in the
multidisciplinary domain of SI. A portion of the model is implemented
in a knowledge-base that can be used to recommend the most suitable
set of stakeholder involvement tools to be utilized on a particular
project. The recommendations provided by the system can act as a
‘short-list’ of potential tools to the inexperienced SI coordinator.
Keywords: Partnerships, Stakeholders,
Managing Projects, Information Technology, Implementing Strategy
Osman, H. (2005) “Risk-based Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Privatized Infrastructure” Transportation Research Record: Journal of
the Transportation Research Board. No 1924, TRB, National Research
Council, Washington D.C. pp 192-196.
One of the main shortcomings to the use of life cycle
cost analysis (LCCA) for analyzing long-term infrastructure projects
is the uncertainty in value of the LCCA parameters. Probabilistic LCCA
incorporates these elements of uncertainty by assigning probabilistic
values to cost and performance parameters. Studies that have performed
probabilistic LCCA in the infrastructure domain propose a
probability-based framework for alternative comparison. Although such
frameworks convey a wealth of probabilistic information, they are not
well suited to decision-making. This study proposes a risk-based
framework that is similar to techniques used in portfolio risk
management. To illustrate the use of such a framework, a Monte Carlo
simulation is used to perform probabilistic LCCA for a highway
project. Two highway investment opportunities with varying risks and
returns are analyzed. The decision framework is used to compare the
simulation results with some common investment opportunities in the
market. This framework enables private-sector investors to assess the
relative risks and returns of alternative infrastructure projects. The
fact that similar frameworks are used in the financial investment
domain makes this approach suitable for the economic analysis of
privatized infrastructure.
Osman, Hesham M.; Georgy, Maged E.; Ibrahim, Moheeb (2003) “A hybrid
CAD-based construction site layout planning system using genetic
algorithms” Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science, 12 (6),
The efficient layout planning of a construction site is a fundamental task to any project undertaking. In an attempt to enhance the general practice of layout planning of construction sites, the paper introduces a novel approach for producing the sought layouts. This approach integrates the highly sophisticated graphical capabilities of computer-aided design (CAD) platforms with the robust search and optimization capabilities of genetic algorithms (GAs). In this context, GAs are utilized from within the CAD environment to optimize the location of temporary facilities on site. The functional interaction between GAs and CAD and the details of the GA-based layout optimization procedure are presented. A fully automated computer system is further developed to demonstrate the practicality of the chosen approach. In order to evaluate the system's performance, a local construction project with a 24,000m2 site is used. The automated system produced highly satisfactory results and showed notable flexibility through its CAD-based input/output media.
Osman H.M. ,Georgy M.E. and Ibrahim M.E. (2002) “Integrated CAD-Based
Model for Construction Site Layout Planning" Al-Azhar Civil Engineering
Research Magazine 24(3), 1035-1051.
One of the important
project resources that has been overlooked during the planning phases
of most construction projects is site space. In some projects, site
space can be as crucial as any other construction resource.
Researchers have attempted to put together models that perform or
assist planners in site layout planning. This paper presents a newly
developed model that integrates the powerful graphical capabilities of
CAD systems with the intricate search and optimization abilities of
genetic algorithms for the purpose of solving the site layout problem.
The model is capable of dealing with irregular site shapes as well as
considering site obstacles and permanent facilities. Modeling the
continuously developing construction site is made possible via dynamic
site layout planning. Instead of creating a single layout that will
inevitably become obsolete after some time, the model deals with
several layouts that change over time as construction progresses.
Osman, H. and El-Diraby, T.E. (2006) "Interoperable
Decision Support Model for Routing Buried Urban Infrastructure" Joint International Conference on Computing i& Decision Making in
Civil and Building Engineering. Montreal June 14-16.
Osman, H. and El-Diraby T. (2005) "Subsurface Utility Engineering in
Ontario: Case Studies & Lessons Learned". 1st Infrastructure Technology, Management and Policy specialty
conference at the 33rd Canadian Society of Civil Engineering annual
conference, Toronto, June 2-4, 2005.
Osman, H. and Georgy, M. (2005) “Layout Planning of
Construction Sites Considering Multiple Objectives: A Goal-Programming
Approach”. ASCE Construction Research Congress, San Diego, April 5-7,
Osman H.M. ,Georgy M.E. and Ibrahim M.E. (2003) “An automated system for
dynamic construction site layout planning” 10th International Colloquium
on Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo,
Egypt, 22-24 April.
Osman, Hesham M. (2002)
“CAD-based dynamic layout planning of construction sites using genetic
algorithms” . M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
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