It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service. ...Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

~ (Albert Einstein, 1932) ~

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In Retrospect

Author: Hehbert Usana

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, (my journey) must show." -Excerpt: David Copperfield

Born in the year of the Tiger, during the month of the Virgo, an unsuspecting baby boy opened his eyes upon the light of this world in a fit of discomfort. His lungs filled with air as he took his first breathe, uncertain of what his future holds. At that very moment when his eyes began to function, his first view of horror were of shadows surrounding him; shadows of which he could not decipher. The first sounds his set of ears acquired were the murmurs of people speaking; a language he could not understand. Thus his voice spoke or rather screamed the only language he knew; a language so distinct and so loud that the very wisdom he gained from those first moments of life was the understanding of the power of his commanding cry for attention. He knew that this was the very essence of communication he could form with his environment to exhibit his discomfort. His life began and became entwined with the many other lives of his fellow beings, in the reality that is and will always be.


I was born on September 13, 1986. Many people wonder and ask whether or not I was born on a Friday but I do not recall; and even if I were able to, I don't see any significance to such an inquiry considering my beliefs, which does not have any room for superstition.

I was born on that day, in that month of that year, in the city of Manila, Philippines, the nation of my bloodline. My experiences at that time, during that certain stage of my life were quaint yet mundane. I am able to recollect specific memories of that past pertaining to that point in my childhood, which seem distant and surreal. I remember a time when I received a gash on my head that needed stitching. I remember the journey I would take with my father, to and from the very first establishment for learning that I attended. The school became the basis for my interest in attaining knowledge, and enabled me to develop a mindset in pursuit of educating myself concerning the secrets of the universe. I remember the fun I had with the neighborhood children, the adventures I had in the streets of Manila, and also the time when I almost drowned during a flood trying to retrieve one of my sandals from the rushing waters.

All these memories have been engraved in my mind, and as I write this passage in retrospect, I realize that I was born into a life of hardship. My life was not as comfortable and convenient as I live now. My family, during my childhood upbringing, was very poor in terms of earthly, materialistic possessions; we lived in poverty. My parents tell me that we once lived in the squatter areas of Manila. I cannot fathom how difficult it must have been for my parents to raise me and my siblings under the circumstances they faced during that period of time. But what I am certain of is this; I am grateful for their unfailing support and determination to raise me into the individual that they can be proud to call their son.

With their love for one another and their love for their children, our family was able to get through those challenging tribulations, until our fortunes changed when my mother accepted a job offer here in Canada, the land of opportunity, as a live-in caregiver. Though separated for several years, my father persevered to raise me and my siblings in the Philippines, while my mother worked abroad. During those times, we lived under better circumstances, for my mother would send my father the money required to pay for the cost of living. At the age of seven, my father, my siblings, and I reunited with my mother in Toronto, Canada, where we established our permanent residence and became citizens of the country.

My new life in Canada began in November of 1993. Since then I have acquired many more life experiences, engraved within my mind many more memories, and have met many more fellow human beings that exist in this reality we call life. I have expanded my knowledge of this world and have also grown wiser and more aware of myself and my surroundings both. I am an inhibited person but it is not a problem that alcohol cannot solve. I reassure you though that I am not a drunkard; for I am not easily addicted as other people are.

I have made many mistakes, but I have also accomplished many great achievements; one of which I recall upon my high school graduation. I was honored and awarded the Canadian Governor General's Academic Medal, and designated as an Ontario Scholar for achieving the highest average in my graduating class. I knew at the time that I had represented my family well, and made my parents really proud, and I was extremely delighted for being recognized for my hard work. I can only hope that those great achievements will not end there. I am actively seeking opportunities that will lead to a brighter future and affect the world in a positive manner.

Several years ago from the time of this writing, my family welcomed a new life into the world belonging to my youngest brother. We are now a family of six. He has provided us with a fresh atmosphere, and every day he reminds us and instills in us a sense of how fragile life really is. I know that with firm guidance coupled with caring and loving nourishment and support, he will become a man of the world. He is intelligent for his age; I believe, and will only become more intelligent if he chooses to. His own future however lies predominantly in his hands, just as our own individual futures lie in our own.

Whatever obstacles lay ahead should only be left alone until they may be encountered, for one should expend his efforts on the present time; the time which matters the most.

Music Video: Anak by Freddie Aguilar (Filipino)

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Music Video: Child by Freddie Aguilar (English)

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Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

~ (Albert Einstein, 1930) ~