Schertz, J., Adil, F., & Kravchuk, A. 2023. Underpinnings of explicit phonetic imitation: perception, production, and variability. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/G601123
Schertz, J., and M. Paquette-Smith. 2023. Imitation of shortened and lengthened voice onset time in an imitation task. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America: Express Letters. 3(2), 025201. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0017066
Clare, E., and J. Schertz. 2022. The influence of heritage language experience on perception and imitation of prevoicing. Languages 7:302. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7040302
Schertz, J., and E. K. Johnson. 2022. VOT imitation by teens and adults. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 65(5):1839-1850. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-21-00460
Schertz, J. and Y. Kang. 2022. Phonetic cue competition within multiple phonological contrasts: Perception of Seoul Korean sibilants. Korean Linguistics. 18(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1075/kl.16001.sch
Monahan, P., J. Schertz, Z. Fu, and A. Pérez. 2022. Unified coding of spectral and temporal phonetic cues: Electrophysiological evidence for abstract phonological features. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 34(4): 618-638. https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01817
Schertz, J., M. Paquette-Smith, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. The independent contribution of voice onset time to perceptual metrics of convergence. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0004373
Kang, Y., J. Schertz and Sungwoo Han. 2021. The phonology and phonetics of Korean laryngeal contrasts. In Cho, S, and J. Whitman (eds.), The Cambridge University Press Handbook of Korean Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kang, Y., and J. Schertz. 2021. The influence of perceived L2 sound categories in on-line adaptation and implications for loanword phonology. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 39(2):555-578. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-020-09477-9.
Martinuzzi, C., and J. Schertz. 2021. Sorry, Not Sorry: the independent role of multiple phonetic cues in signalling the difference between two word meanings. Language and Speech. 65(1):143-172. https://doi.org/10.1177/0023830921988975.
Paquette-Smith, M., J. Schertz, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. Comparing phonetic convergence in children and adults. Language and Speech. 65(1):240-260 https://doi.org/10.1177/00238309211013864
Yu, M., J. Schertz, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. The Other Accent Effect in talker recognition: Now you see it, now you don't. Cognitive Science. 45(6):e129896 https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.12986
Fung, P., J. Schertz, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. The development of gendered speech in children: Insights from adult L1 and L2 perceptions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0003322.
Schertz, J., and S. Khan. 2020. Acoustic cues in production and perception of the four-way stop laryngeal contrast in Hindi and Urdu. Journal of Phonetics. 81, 100979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2020.100979.
Schertz, J., and E. Clare. 2020. Phonetic cue weighting in perception and production. WIRES: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. 11(2): e1521. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcs.1521
Jurgec, P., and J. Schertz. 2020. Postalveolar co-occurrence restrictions in Slovenian. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 38(2):499-537. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-019-09452-z
Schertz, J., K. Carbonell, and A. Lotto. 2020. Language-specificity in phonetic cue weighting:
Monolingual and bilingual perception of the stop voicing contrast in English and Spanish. Phonetica. 77:186-208. https://doi.org/10.1159/000497278.
Schertz, J., C. Chow, and N. S. Nor Kamal. 2019. The influence of tone language experience and speech style on the use of intonation in language discrimination. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 146:EL58. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.5117167.
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, and S. Han. 2019. Sources of variability in phonetic perception: the joint influence of listener and talker characteristics on perception of the Korean stop contrast. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology. 10(1): 13, pp. 1–32. https://doi.org/10.5334/labphon.67
Schertz, J., and K. Hawthorne. 2018. The effect of sentential context on phonetic categorization is modulated by talker accent and exposure. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143(3):EL231-236. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.5027512.
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, and S. Han. 2017. Cross-language correspondences in the face of change: phonetic independence vs. convergence in two Korean-Mandarin bilingual communities. International Journal of Bilingualism. 21.1.157-199. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367006917728389
Schertz, J., T. Cho, A. Lotto, and N. Warner. 2016. Individual differences in perceptual adaptability of foreign sound categories. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 78.1.355-367. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-015-0987-1
Schertz, J., T. Cho, A. Lotto, and N. Warner. 2015. Individual differences in phonetic cue use in production and perception of a non-native sound contrast. Journal of Phonetics 52.183-204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2015.07.003
Warner, N., D. Brenner, J. Schertz, A. Carnie, M. Fisher, and M. Hammond. 2015. The aerodynamic puzzle of nasalized fricatives: Aerodynamic and perceptual evidence from Scottish Gaelic. Laboratory Phonology 6.2.197-241. https://doi.org/10.1515/lp-2015-0007
Fabiano-Smith, L., T. Oglivie, O. Maiefski, and J. Schertz. 2015. Acquisition of the stop-spirant alternation in bilingual Mexican Spanish-English speaking children: Theoretical and clinical implications. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 29.1.1-26. https://doi.org/10.3109/02699206.2014.947540
Schertz, J., and M. Ernestus. 2014. Variability in the pronunciation of non-native English 'the': Effects of frequency and disfluencies. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 10.2.329-345. https://doi.org/10.1515/cllt-2014-0024
Schertz, J. 2013. Exaggerating featural contrasts in clarifications of misheard speech in English. Journal of Phonetics 41.249-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2013.03.007
Zhang, H., and J. Schertz. 2023. Phonetic imitation of stops and vowels: individual stability and perceptual underpinnings. Proceedings of ICPhS.
Jurgec, P., L. Duncan, E. Elfner, Y. Kang, A. Kochetov, B. O’Neill, A. Ozburn, K. Rice, N. Sanders, J. Schertz, N. Shaftoe, & L. Sullivan (eds.). 2022. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America.
Yu, M., J. Schertz, and E. K. Johnson. 2022. Do I need to repeat myself? Getting to the root of the Other Accent Effect. Proceedings of CogSci.
Schertz, J., M. Paquette-Smith, and E. K. Johnson. 2019. The relationship between perceptual similarity judgments and VOT convergence in a shadowing task. Proceedings of ICPhS.
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, A. Kochetov, E. Kong, and S. Han. 2015. Dialectal variability in place and manner of Korean affricates. Proceedings of ICPhS.
Choi, J., E. A. Hogue, J. Punske, D. Tat, J. Schertz, and A. Trueman (eds). 2012. Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Cascadilla Press.
Turco, G., M. Gubian, and J. Schertz. 2011. A quantitative investigation of the prosody of Verum Focus in Italian. Proceedings of Interspeech 12.961-964.
Fung, P., J. Schertz, & E. K. Johnson. 2023. It starts at home: the role of parental socialization on the development of gendered speech. CogSci 2023 (poster presentation).
Baird, A., & J. Schertz. 2023. Phonetic convergence by gender non-conforming individuals. Annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2023. The stability of individual differences in phonetic imitation across features and tasks. SRPP colloquium, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle (invited oral presentation).
Schertz, J., & H. Zhang. 2023. Cross-linguistic differences in perception and imitation of prevoicing. International conference on experimental phonetics/Congreso interancional de fonética experimental (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2023. Stability of individual differences in convergence across features and tasks. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2023. Prevoicing in English stops: variation within and across dialects. PAC 2023 – Spoken English varieties: interfaces and multidimensional approaches (oral presentation).
Clare, E. J. and J. Schertz. 2022. Perception and imitation of prevoicing across language backgrounds. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting (poster presentation).
Schertz, J. 2022. Underpinnings of phonetic imitation. McGill Department of Linguistics Colloquium, March 18, 2022 (invited talk)
Clare, E. J., EJ Guerrero, A. Kravchuk, I. Mroke, D. Rodrigo, and J. Schertz. 2021. Perception and production of prevoicing. Summer Phonetics/Phonology Forum, University of Toronto (oral presentation).
Schlegl, L. and J. Schertz. 2021. Production and perception of mock speech. Summer Phonetics/Phonology Forum, University of Toronto (oral presentation).
Fung, P., J. Schertz, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. The development of children’s sensitivity to how boys and girls talk. Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting (poster presentation).
Schertz, J. 2020. Imitation and perception of individual accented features. LabPhon 17 (virtual poster presentation).
Schertz, J. 2020. Interactive visualization in speech research. Lightning Lunch: Programming Relationships, University of Toronto Mississauga (oral presentation).
Lyashenko, A., and J. Schertz. 2019. Is Russian palatable for English speakers? PsyLinCS-UTM (poster presentation).
Zosel, A., Hawthorne, K., Schertz, J., and Loveall, S. 2019. Interactions between contextual and phonetic information in children and adults' perception of non-native speech. ASHA Annual Convention (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., Yu, M., Johnson, E. K., and Chambers, C. 2019. Phonetic cue weighting in an L2 shadowing task. L2 Pronunciation Research Workshop: bridging the gap between theory and practice (oral presentation).
Monahan, P., Pérez, A., and J. Schertz. 2019. Abstract Phonological Features: EEG Evidence from English Voicing. Canadian Linguistics Association (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2018. What you hear depends on who (you think) is talking: How listeners' expectations about the talker shape speech perception. Colloquium talk, University of Ottawa (invited oral presentation).
Carbonell, K., J. Schertz., and A. Lotto. 2018. Monolingual and Bilingual perceptual cue weighting for voicing contrast in English and Spanish. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans (poster presentation).
Soo, R., Ting, C., and J. Schertz. 2018. Visual gender biases in English stop voicing perception. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Victoria (poster presentation).
Howson, P., and J. Schertz. 2018. The role of F2 and F3 in the perception of liquids for Hindi and Mandarin listeners. Acoustical Society of American Annual Meeting, Victoria (poster presentation).
Chow, C., N. S. Nor Kamal, and J. Schertz. 2018. Use of segmental and prosodic cues in adult language discrimination: Effects of language experience and speaking style. 3rd Asian Junior Linguists Conference, The University of Hong Kong (oral presentation).
Ting, C., R. Soo, and J. Schertz. 2018. Investigating the use of visual gender cues in English stop voicing perception. Summer Phonology Forum 2018 (oral presentation), University of Toronto.
Chaudhari, G., C. Chow, S. Khan, A. Lyashenko, and J. Schertz. 2018. Perception of Hindi and Urdu voiced aspirates. Summer Phonology Forum 2018 (oral presentation), University of Toronto.
Schertz, J. 2018. Effect of L1 phonation contrast on production of L2 English stops. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., and K. Hawthorne. 2018. Sentential context effects on phonetic categorization in talkers with non-native and regional accents. LabPhon 16, Lisbon (poster presentation).
Schertz, J. 2018. Accented stops? L1-based variation in L2 stop production. Linguistic Perspectives on Variation, University at Buffalo (oral presentation).
Monahan, P., and J. Schertz. 2017. Auditory cortex represents abstract phonological features: a Mismatch Negativity study of English voicing. Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore (poster presentation).
Schertz, J. 2017. Listening differently to accented talkers: Use of acoustic and contextual cues in perception of native vs. non-native speech. CRC-Sponsored Phonetics and Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto (oral presentation).
Schertz, J., and K. Hawthorne. 2017. Top-down influence on phonetic categorization of native vs. non-native speech. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., H. Buckler, C. Klammer, and E. K. Johnson. 2017. A bear called Baddington? Variability and contrast enhancement in accented infant-directed speech. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston (poster presentation).
Kang, Y., and J. Schertz. 2017. L2 categories in perceptual adaptation and implications for loanword phonology. Phonetics and phonology in loanword adaptation, Cologne (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, and S. Han. 2017. Phonetic cue enhancement in hyperarticulation of Korean sibilants. Abstraction, Diversity and Speech Dynamics, Munich (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, and S. Han. 2017. Dialectal variation and change in production and perception of the Korean fricative contrast. 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh (poster presentation).
Kang, Y., J. Schertz, and S. Han. 2017. The Production-Perception link in tonogenetic sound change in three dialects of Korean. 4th Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh (oral presentation).
Kang, Y., and J. Schertz. 2016. The role of perceived L2 category in cross-language perception and implications for loanword adaptation. 2016 Annual Meeting on Phonology, University of Southern California (oral presentation)
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, and S. Han. 2016. How much does the talker matter? Depends on who's listening: Age-related variability in the use of social information in speech perception. LabPhon 15, Ithaca, NY (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, S. Han, Y.-L. Lin, and A. Kochetov. 2016. Cross-language interaction and variation in Mandarin and Korean affricates. NWAV-Asia-Pacific 4, Taiwan (oral presentation).
Kang, Y., J. Schertz, and S. Han. 2016. A competition of local and supralocal norms in two Chinese Korean dialects: a case study of /y/. NWAV-Asia-Pacific 4, Taiwan (oral presentation).
Kang, Y., J. Schertz, and S. Han. 2015. Laryngeal classification of Korean fricatives: evidence from sound change and dialect variation. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., and Y. Kang. 2015. Cross-language perception tasks: the role of acoustics vs. experience. CRC Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto.
Schertz, J., Kang, Y., and Han, S. 2015. The role of acoustic evidence in resolving phonological ambiguity. Canadian Linguistics Association (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2015. Learning different things from the same input: How initial category structure shapes phonetic adaptation. Human Language Processing Lab, University of Rochester.
Schertz, J. 2015. How baseline differences in (non-native) phonetic category structure can shape patterns of perceptual learning. Human Communication Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Mississauga.
Schertz, J., Y. Kang, S. Han, and E. Kong. 2015. Diachronic change in perception of Korean sibilants. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (poster presentation).
Kang, Y., J. Schertz, and S. Han. Vowels of Korean Dialects. 2015. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (poster presentation).
Gebregziabher, K., and J. Schertz. 2015. Phonological and phonetic variation in velar plain and ejective obstruents in Tigrinya. Montreal-Ottawa-Laurier-Toronto Phonology Workshop.
Schertz, J. 2014. Learning new sounds: Exploring how native language shapes how we hear foreign sounds (and when it doesn't). Plenary, 2nd Undergraduate Linguistics Conference, Centre for French and Linguistics, University of Toronto Scarborough.
Schertz, J., and Lotto, A. 2014. Language is not destiny! Task-specific factors, and not just native language biases, influence foreign sound categorization strategies. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., N. Warner, and A. Lotto. 2014. Acoustic cue weighting in perception and production of English and Spanish. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Providence, RI (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., N. Warner, A. Lotto, and T. Cho. 2014. Phonetic cue weighting strategies in a non-native language: individual variability and plasticity. The Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., A. Lotto, N. Warner, and T. Cho. 2013. Acoustic cue weighting across modalities in a non-native sound contrast. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (oral presentation).
Schertz, J. 2012. Featural enhancement in clarification of misheard stops in Spanish. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO (poster presentation).
Kittleson, M., J. Schertz, R. Diehl, and A. Lotto. 2012. Distributional learning in categorization of speech and non-speech sounds. The Psychonomic Society 53rd Annual Meeting (poster presentation).
Schertz, J., D. Archangeli, J. Berry, A. Carnie, J. Fisher, M. Fisher, and J.-H. Sung. 2011. Epenthetic vowels and harmony in Scottish Gaelic: a preliminary report. International Congress of Celtic Studies, Maynooth, Ireland (oral presentation.
Warner, N., J. Schertz, A. Carnie, M. Fisher, L. Mathieu, C. Gorrie, M. Hammond, and D. Archangeli. 2011. Timing of perceptual cues in Scots Gaelic. Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (poster presentation).
Archangeli, D., J. Berry, C. Gorrie, L. Mathieu, J. Schertz, and J.-H. Sung. 2010. Timing of tongue tip and dorsum gestures in French and Georgian /l/'s. LabPhon 12, Albuquerque, New Mexico.