KB Osahan



My Blog - August - September - October

September 26, 2007 - 1:30am

I was going to do a full entry, but after the drawings update, I'm feeling rather tired.

I have to pick a song for my music essay. It was to be from the 1960's. I can't decide! There's just too many that I like!!!

I have to buy my October parking pass on Thursday, which is when they go on sale. I'd like to wait another day, but I don't go to school on Fridays and Mondays and my Tuesday back is October 1st. Without a parking pass = ticket!

OH!!! Matt finally got his telescope!!! It is sooooo amazing. It is like 5 times bigger than the last one and it has a motor! It'll be fun to check out the stars with that one! We were going to do it today, but it was too cloudy. It's actually thunderstorming now!

That's all for now.

September 24, 2007 - 12:30pm

Wow...it's been 2 weeks since I last wrote here. I missed it, but I've been very busy. Actually, just lazy.

So, as I said last time, school has started and I am totally pumped about that. In my Developmental Genetics course, which has no textbook, we have to read scientific journals all the time. The prof said that it was more of a course on how to read "the damn things!" Overall, it is really good. I like my schedule a lot.

I have to pick a song from the 60's and write a "short essay" (800-1000 words) on it. I can't decide what to do it on. I also haven't given it much thought since it isn't due for another 3 weeks.

I found out that I only have one exam during the exam time (Dec 10 - 21)!! So, I could be done as early as the 10th! Oh, I'll post a list of important dates (like tests and such) here.

Tennis has been going quite well lately. I really have to work on my serves...they suck. Once I get those down, I think I will be quite the player, considering I've only been playing for like a month. It's too bad that I only picked it up at around the US Open which was at the end of August. I had the whole summer!

I'm at work right now and I'm supposed to read a paper for school, but I'm getting no time.

Oh, Matt's cousin Nathan just bought a condo and I got invited to his house-warming party. I need a gift for him...any suggestions?

OH!! Matt, Shervin, Stephanie, Lindsie, Dewie and I went to the David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill a few weeks ago. It kinda sucked because it was raining and they didn't open the dome to show us the heavens. But, we had a lot of fun after the observatory and that made the evening worth while.

IWell, it looks like I may have some time to do some reading so I'm gonna get that done.

September 11, 2007 - 7:00pm

I had my first day of school today!!! It was a good day, with only 3 hours of class since there aren't any labs during the first week of classes. I drove down today...took me 45 minutes using Allen at about 12:00-ish. It took me about 70 minutes to get home using Avenue and the 401. This is soooo much better than taking the subway home. After the subway I used to feel really drained...just exhausted and unable to do work. Now, (although it is only the first day) I feel great and no fatigue.

I've been playing tennis with Matt as of late. We went out on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I think I might go out tonight, but I'm feeling a little sore from work. We got a shipment in yesterday and I had to help unpack it all. The bags were too heavy...weighing in at about 100lbs each! I actually don't feel as sore as I thought I would, so I might go out anyway.

I actually have stuff to do for school. Most...actually, all of it is just reading various journals. I'll read those now and then go. This is all relying on the fact that Matt isn't doing anything tonight.

Random: I've been having great dreams for about 2 weeks now. It's like every night is a great, warm dream. It's good. I think that most of them happen after I wake up at like 6, but then go back to sleep. From the time I go to bed a night to 6-ish am, I'm usually without a blanket. At 6-ish, when I wake up, I'm cold...I pull the blanket on and fall asleep almost instantly...great dreams.

OH!!! It's funny...and sad. I drove downtown without any problems or chances for accidents. I'm coming back home, to Woodbridge, and am on Rutherford, just west of the 400 when some idiot! decides to brake in the middle of the intersection, for what I have no fucking idea!! So, that guys completely stopped, the guy behind him, a van, has to swerve into the next lane, which was luckily an empty left-turning lane, and I'm behind him. I braked sooo hard that the car slipped, screeched and finally came to a stop. I am soo very grateful that I have sport brakes...without them, I would have gone nose first into another car since in front me there was a car, to the left of me there was a car, and to the right there was traffic. Oh, I forgot to mention that this is a 70km/hr road in Woodbridge, so everyone does at least 90. Totally luck that the car behind me was pretty far off. Disgusting. I still don't know why the asshole stopped! It was like 2 seconds and the guy was driving again. Asshole. Could have caused a pile-up. Fucker.

September 4, 2007 - 12:00pm

I was going to say that this was going to be my last full week of work, but I just realized that this isn't a full week! It's been fun working here, helping out the family, but it's time to get back to school. I arranged my schedule such that I can still be here at the beginning of the work week, the end of the work week and for a few hours in the middle. Plus, I'm always reachable on my phone, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I found out yesterday that Jim McGee actually was Sacha! He signed it with a USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Service) email address...classic.

I'm at work right now...thinking about taking lunch. I had a few minutes to spare and thought I'd update here. I might be going to York's Observatory tomorrow, but I'm also expecting a shipment for work today...well, they told me today, but a delay pegs it at tomrrow. We'll see...

On the 14th, a few friends of mine are heading down to U of T's observatory in Richmond Hill. It should be cool. While the York telescope is 60cm, the one at David Dunlop is 188cm! Huge!!!! They have night tours during the summer/fall on the weekend. It's my first week back, and I don't have school that day (yay!) so I should be able to make it.

Oh, speaking of school, I found out that my earliest class, 9-12 on Tuesdays, is "cancelled" for at least the first Tuesday back..which happens to be my first day!!! I don't have to go in until 1! The class from 9-12 is a lab for my mycology course. Since the first lecture for that class is at 3pm on Tuesday, there is nothing to do in the lab. So an even easier, shorter first week.

What else? I have to find out how to rip and burn DVD's...I'll call Matt later. OH!!! Matt got a job on Friday! He was sending out resumes from the factory fax machine on Wednesday, got a call on Thursday and went for an interview on Friday. It's great! He got a job in his field of mechanical engineering and it is really close to his house! He started work today. I should call him later...but knowing him, he'll call me on his way home. It's like we're married...but I'm the man. I'm just saying.

Back to the DVDs...Sacha asked me to burn him copies of my Arrested Development DVDs that I bought a few weeks ago. They're really, really funny. It was such a great show. It's too bad not a lot of people watched it. Critically acclaimed...but I've talked about all of that before.

Anywho...what else?! Damn...life is so uneventful for me.

September 3, 2007 - 4:45pm

So this is my last week of summer vacation! I'm actually pretty pumped to get back to school. I love the way my classes are scheduled since I only go to school 3 days a week! I have Mondays and Fridays off, Tuesdays from 9-4, Wednesdays from 1-3 and Thursdays from 1-9 (with a 2 hour break from 4-6). It's a good schedule.

I slept in yesterday...I went to bed at like 2 or 3 the night before and woke up at like 1. I think I went downstairs at 2. It was a good day.

I started reading the English books that I bought a few days ago. They are very quick reads. The first day I finished about half of the first novel in less than an hour. That's promising.

I've finally started running again. I've been so tired at the end of every day that I didn't have the energy to exercise. But, the for past few days, I've been going for runs outside. It's nice...the air is crisp, the sun is set so it's not too hot...very quite and peaceful.

So someone signed my site today...someone by the name of Jim McGee. I'm not sure who that is, but I'm sure that isn't the person's real name. I just asked my cousin Sacha...he's seems to be denying it, but that may just be a ploy. I will have to play Columbo to solve this mystery...oh, just one more thing...I wonder how many of you got that one...

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