
Syntax Project Group


University of Toronto

Canadian English in Global Context
@ University of Toronto
January 28-30, 2005

@ University of Toronto
March 4-6 , 2005

Spring 2005

RL 6071

Thursday, 2-4 pm


Syntax Project Group now has a mailing list.
Everyone is welcome to join the list; just follow the instruction given below.
If it does not work, please e-mail Mike Barrie <>

1 - send an email to

2 - the body of the message should contain ONLY the following:

subscribe syntacticians-l

3 - there should be nothing in the 'subject' line

4 - shortly after, you should receive a message asking you to confirm your subscription.


January  | Fabruary | March | April

January 20

Magdalena  Goledzinowska
Reading Ch. 1 of Chung and Ladusaw (2004)

Planning Meeting

January 27

Diane Massam
Reading Ch. 2 (and 3?) of Chung and Ladusaw (2004)

January 28-30
Canadian English in Global Context

@ University of Toronto

February 3

Jonathon Herd
Title: TBA

February 10

Gabriela Alboiu
Lexical subjects, phases and pro

February 17

NO Meeting
(Reading Week)

Februar 24

Josephine Lee, Diane Massam, and Nicholas Rolle
Title: TBA (about Niuean /ko/)

Raph Mercado
 Revisiting Tagalog Phrase Structure:
evacuation and a new look at Tagalog restructuring

March 3

WSCLA dry runs

Gabriela Alboiu and Mike Barrie
Title: TBA

Richard Compton
Title: TBA

Midori Hayashi
Title: TBA

March 10

Kenji Oda
Tutorial on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar

(a.k.a. HPSG for dummies)

March 17

Jee-Youn Shin
Korean Wh-questions

March 24

Mike Barrie
g Essays on the Representational and Derivational Nature of
(Aoun and Li, 2003)

March 31

NO Meeting

April 7

Christine Pittman
Switch-Reference in Inuktitut

April 14

Ulyana Savchenko
Title: TBA

April 21

AFLA dry runs

Jonathon Herd
Title: TBA

Diane Massam
Title: TBA

April 28

NO Meeting

Directors: Elizabeth Cowper, Alana Johns, Diane Massam

Schedule & Announcements: Mike Barrie

Department of Linguistics at University of Toronto

Last Update: Mar. 30, 2005 by Kenji Oda


Fall 2002

Spring 2003

Summer 2003

Fall 2003

Spring 2004

Fall 2004