BLIA YAD TORONTO stands for The Buddha's Light International
Association Young Adult Division, Toronto Subdivision. We are a
special division catering to the needs of the younger generation.
Our first general meeting was in February, 2001, around 40 to
50 people did attend and Venerable Yung-Ku and Venerable Miao-Yu
led us through the meeting. We did self-introductions during the
meeting and some of us were being voted for the following positions
of the BLIA YAD TORONTO. These positions are: President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Activity Co-ordinator.
We were being officially established during the World YAD Conference
2001 in Malaysia, four more subdivisions were also being officially
established at the same time. Now we have Mississauga Division (18+),
Toronto East Division, Waterloo Division, 18 and under Division.
We now have around 180 members.
Throughout the year, we are involved with various activities both
inside and outside the temple. The major events that we have been
involved in the past year were the Buddha's Bathing ceremony, the
Cultural and Education fundraising Vegetarian Gala, as well as the
"Sounds of Ganges River" - Buddhist musical concert. Besides
the special events hosted by the temple, you will find us at the
weekly regular service helping with the ceremonies as well as other
posts throughout the temple. We are also involved with various charity
events such as assisting with the Toronto Street Festival, Yee Hong
Walkathon, United way Walkathon and many others.
In addition to the above mentioned events, our members gather every
two weeks for a variety of activities such as practising calligraphy,
organizing dumpling making contest, Halloween party, costume and
pumpkin carving contest, various crafts and games.
We've changed our time schedule since March 2002. Division Four
which is for 18 and below would have Dharma Class starting from
4:00pm to 5:00pm and activity time starting from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
on every other saturday.
Division One which is for 18 and above would have activity time
starting from 4:00pm to 6:00pm every other Saturday.
Due to the size increasing of the group, in order to improve our
efficiency, we now have 25 executives in the executive team. including
President and Vice-President of each division. (For details please
check out our "executives" section)
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email
us at info@bliayad.ca or leave
us messages in the message board.
If you are interested to be part of the BLIA YAD TORONTO, please
fill out the online form and we will contact you shortly afterwards.
我們的第一次聚會於2001年二月舉行, 當天人數達四十至五十人. 多倫多道場住持 - 永固法師和我們的指導法師 - 妙鈺法師亦在場帶領我們完成整個聚會.
於是次聚會中我們進行了自我介紹, 然後青年們投票選出了几位青年擔任多倫多佛光青年會的職務. 職務如下:會長, 副會長, 秘書, 活動組長.
於2001年馬來西亞佛光青年國際會議裡, 多倫多佛光青年團正式授證, 另外四個分團也正式授證. 現在分別有密西沙加區十八歲以上分團,
多倫多東區分團, 滑鐵盧區分團, 十八歲以下分團等四個分團. 我們現在大慨有一百八十多位成員.
我們參與很多不同類型的活動. 於去年五月份我們參與浴佛節園遊會活動, 還有九月份的佛光千人素宴跟恆河之聲梵唄音樂會, 我們均有積極參與.
另外我們有時候也會參加法會或是幫忙打點行堂事宜. 青年們也很熱心於服務社區的工作, 例如我們於去年六月份和七月份分別參與頤康建頤行步行籌款日和多倫多街頭節;
還有於九月份舉行的公益金百萬行, 青年們均有參與.
另外青年團於隔一個星期六也會在佛堂進行聚會, 我們有很多不同類型的活動, 如寫毛筆字比賽, 由妙濟法師進行評審的包餃子大賽, 萬聖節派對當天還進行了化妝比賽和南瓜雕刻比賽.
我們於2002年三月份開始便更改了聚會的時間. 每隔一星期的星期六下午四時至五時為第四分會--十八歲以下青年們的佛學班時間, 五時到六時為活動時間.
基於青年們的人數逐漸增加的關係, 為了提高工作效率, 我們現在包括會長和副會長共有二十五位幹事(詳情請瀏覽我們 "executives" 一欄.)
如果您對我們有任何問題或意見, 請寫電郵 info@bliayad.ca
如果您有興趣成為我們的一份子, 請填寫網上申請表, 稍後我們會有專人和您聯絡. 阿彌陀佛!