proposal of new media senior project


 To create a sophisticated and completed project, it cannot lack of published resource to support my ideas and feeling. Adequate information can inspire me to elevate my level of understandings about Internet. I discovered several books to help me to develop this project.

They include “Adam N. Joinson, 2003, Understanding the psychology of Internet behaviour”, “David Porter, 1996, Internet culture” and “Richard Holenton, 1998, Composing Cyberspace: identity, community and knowledge in the Electronic Age”.

Adam N. Joinson, 2003, Understanding the psychology of Internet behaviour
In the book, the view of discussion about internet do not focus on the technical changes under Internet impact, but it mainly observes the psychology change of human that affected by Internet technology, as well as implications for the design of future technologies.

It is useful resource for me to study human internet behaviour. In this book, I found one of points that really inspire me, which notices that Internet is a new tool for us to communicate and help us easier to finish this task.

“It is questionable whether or not the outcomes of a mediated and non- mediated communication are the same.” (p.3) In fact, our way and meanings of communication is changing.
It provides much valuable information about human behaviour changes under Internet impact.

David Porter, 1996, Internet culture
This book discusses about Internet culture which is a new term of this generation. It explains , the culture is a product of the unusual conditions of virtual association that exist online, a collective alteration to high frequent of anonymous, experimental, and even brief encounter familiar to anyone who has ventured into newsgroup debate.

This culture didn’t have any particular characteristic and origins. The global concept is diffused in there. It also discusses that multi-user programs create “virtual community” in web.

People can play different roles in there which may be like their real personalities and identities or may be not. It is debatable if this makes us to be confused about our “real self”.

These ideas help me to bring some feelings of this virtual world. In the virtual world, we are like holding a map without location and information that tells us where we are and what it will happen in the next. Will people easy to get lost in there?

Richard Holenton, 1998, Composing Cyberspace: identity, community and knowledge in the Electronic Age
This book explores the effects that computer technologies have had, and are having, and might have on people. It might on our human identity, our values and our social status and social relations, and on our desire to make and share knowledge.

It provides sufficient information about the relations of human, sociality and Internet. In this book, I hope to focus on the topics of the global village, information overload and the changing of our values by internet.

It notice that” we will bring our terminals, our modems, and menus further and further into out former privacies; we will implicate ourselves by degrees in the unitary life, and there may come a day when we no longer remember that there was any other life.”(p.321). It makes me think,” Do we forget we may have other life style?”