Naomi Nagy

Linguistics at U of T

LIN 199.23W: Exploring Heritage Languages

HW 1 : Your own heritage language (HL) experiences

First assignment

Your first assignment is to tell me a bit (about a page) about yourself. I'd like to hear about your own heritage language (HL) experiences, either as a speaker or as a hearer. You can describe your linguistic autobiography or recount a story related to usage (or non-usage) of a heritage language, or whatever else comes to mind.

This assignment is informal. You will NOT be graded on spelling, punctuation, length, or adherence to formal writing rules. You will receive full marks if you complete the assignment on time. So it's easy.

Submit your assignment in Quercus. To do so, select this course from your Dashboard. You will see this assignment in the Week 1 Module (after you complete the tasks in the "Syllabus..." module).

One goal of this assignment is to make sure you can navigate Quercus.

Last updated January 3, 2023

email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca | Return to my home page