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Naomi Nagy
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Analysis 2: Constructing identity with linguistic variation (HW_A2)Variable determiners and plural markers in Brazilian Portuguese(see Roth-Gordon 2016)This is an assignment in which you will conduct microsociolinguistic variationist analysis and practice quantitative analysis and reporting skills, undertaking analysis of a language other than English. You will explore how some speakers represent aspects of their identity by using different linguistic variants. It’s an opportunity to practice applying concepts and skills from this course. Part 1: The social side of sociolinguisticsThese questions focus on how ethnicity is constructed in a particular community, according to Roth-Gordon (2016). Answering them will help make sure you understand the set-up for the article. 1) What are 3 attributes that Roth-Gordon (2016) says are associated with whiteness in Brazil? (Cite page numbers to support your answer.) 2) What are 3 attributes that the author says are associated with blackness in Brazil? 3) Are these attributes associated with these groups everywhere? Explain your answer. 4) Which excerpt is most associated with whiteness and “proper BP”? 5) Why did the speaker want to associate himself to that orientation in that context? Part 2: The linguistic side of sociolinguisticsNext, you'll practice presenting linguistic examples as evidence, using appropriate formalisms, and interpreting this evidence. Roth-Gordon notes that slang and profanity are some of the linguistic tools for constructing identity. Grammatical variables are also used. That is, there are often “two ways of saying the same thing” that differ in terms of grammatical form (or phonological form). Often, one is considered standard and the other non-standard. Two important grammatical variables for Brazilian Portuguese are variable definite article use and variable plural marking on nouns. We discussed the first in class, but you may need to learn a bit about the second on your own. Check the prescriptive facts about these structures in Brazilian Portuguese. Try these resources: https://www.learningportuguese.co.uk/guide/grammar/basics/nouns-and-articles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_grammar#Nouns 6) In the excerpt you identified in (4) above, what is one example of definite article use that aligns with the relevant orientation? Of plural marking on nouns? 7) Next, review excerpt 3.
Note: When linguists give examples from data in a language other than the language of the paper/report/assignment, interlinear glossing is used. You have probably seen this in morphology exercises. Use this format to answer Questions 6 and 7. You can review the essential components of this format at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlinear_gloss https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/resources/glossing-rules.php, rules 1-3, 6 This assignment references: Roth, Gordon, Jennifer. 2016. From Upstanding Citizen to North American Rapper and Back Again: The Racial Malleability of Poor Male Brazilian Youth. In Raciolinguistics: How Language Shapes our Ideas about Race. H. Samy Alim, John R. Rickford & Arnetha F. Ball, eds. 51-64. New York: Oxford University Press.