Naomi Nagy [homepage]

Linguistics at U of T

LIN 199.19W: Exploring Heritage Languages

Syllabus (Schedule)

In Winter 2019, we meet in University College (UC) D301, UC [map ]


Week Date Topic Reading Assignment
1 Jan. 9 What are heritage languages?
How do we read, discuss & write to learn?

Read syllabus and Quercus

Escholz, Rosa & Clark 05 (on reading)

HW 1: Your own heritage language (HL) experiences
(due Jan. 16, solo)


Jan. 16

How do we do library research at U of T?

[Today's class in Robarts Library room 4033]; Guest speaker: L. Soglasnova

Escholz, Rosa & Clark 05 (on sources)

APA site & tutorial

HW 2: Library resources webpage
(due Jan. 23, solo)

3 Jan. 20 Last day to add a class
Jan. 23

What are your HL experiences?
How does fieldwork work?

  • Chambers 06
  • Tan 05
  • Schleef & Meyerhoff 09:1-10
  • HLVC website

HW 3: First neighbourhood study report
(due Feb. 6, pair)

4 Jan. 30 What are some connections between ethnicity and language?

Read 1 carefully; skim the rest:

  • Cunha 05
  • Marquez 99
  • Oh & Fuligni 09 (to p. 208, at least)
5 Feb. 6

What are some connections between social factors and language?
How do we write about research?

Your choice of 1 of 6 (to present in class):

  • Hrycyna et al 11
  • Łyskawa et al. 16
  • Iannozzi 15
  • Pabst et al. 17
  • Shkvorets 15
  • Tse 16

HW 4: Learning about the structure of a HL
(draft due Feb. 27, group)

and second Neighborhood Visit (by Feb. 27, pair)

6 Feb. 13

What can happen to HLs?

Polinsky & Kagan 07 (pp. 368-84)

Feb. 18-22Reading Week -- NO CLASSES, No office hours
7 Feb. 27 How do we analyze linguistic structure? HW 5: EOQ or linguistic analysis
(draft due Mar. 20, group)

8 Mar. 6 How do we analyze language mixing?

Meyerhoff 06:102-121 &

your choice of 1 of 4 (to present in class):

  • Goldstein 97
  • Chumak-Horbatch 87
9 Mar. 13 How are language, ethnicity and attitude related?

Your choice of 1 of 4 (to present in class):

  • Guardado 02
  • Sevinç 19

10 Mar. 17 Last day to drop a "W" class
Mar. 20 What do we know about HLs in school?

Ricento 2013:525-537

Polinsky & Kagan 07:384-390

HW 6: Final report on Neighborhood Visits
(due Mar. 27, pair)

11 Mar. 27

How are politics and globalization relevant to HLs?

Crystal 05

12 Apr. 3 Wrap-up and catch-up HW 7: Formal report on HWs 4 and 5
(due Apr. 3, solo)


Updated Jan. 4, 2019

email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca | Return to my home page